Page 50 of The Fake Out Flex
The sun goes down.
The water laps at my feet.
I close my eyes for a moment and wish this was real.
That despite being standoffish and not great at talking, with my heart enclosed by the Great Wall of China, I could be a man worthy of her.
She pulls back slightly so we can see each other.
My breath hitches in the back of my throat as the rightness of the moment barrels into me. I'm looking into the eyes of the woman I've spent the past seven years in love with.
No other woman compares.
No other woman even comes close.
Which makes me hate myself a little since I never meant to hurt or string anyone along.
But I can't help it.
No other woman is Evie.
I lean down.
She tilts her head up.
Evie and I are about to kiss.
I pull back slightly.
Wait. If this happens—and believe me, I want it to—it has to be because she wants it.
Evie presses down on my shoulder to lift herself a little higher.
Okay, seems like she wants it.
The tips of our noses touch.
It's happening, people. This is not a drill.
Our breath mingles.
Her eyes flutter to a close, and…
"OMG! Is that Fraser Rademacher?"
"No way! It is! And is that…is that the Breakup Sneeze Girl?"
"Hey, Fraser! Fraser! Over here!"
Evie wriggles in my arms, and I fight to keep her from falling out of my grip. Once I've got her securely snuggled against my body, I glare at the two idiots on the beach who just broke into our private moment.
Two idiots who are pointing their phones directly at us.
"What are we going to do?" Evie whispers.
"Don't worry. I've got you. You're safe."
She tucks her head into my shoulder, and I stomp out of the water, keeping Evie shielded from view.