Page 52 of The Fake Out Flex
"The diner is one block away. Do you think she'll be able to hang on?"
Whatever the hangry version of needs caffeine is, I've got a major case of it this morning. It must be showing on my face. It's probably seeping out of my pores.
"We have no other choice. Come on."
Hannah slides one arm through mine, Beth takes the other side, and Summer shoots out ahead of us.
"I'm texting Bear," she says over her shoulder. "I'll get him to meet us out front."
"Of course she is," Hannah says under her breath, and I giggle.
Everyone in Comfort Bay knows Bear has a thing for Summer. Everyone except for Summer, that is. She's a high-powered lawyer a few years older than me, and she divides her time between her life in LA and caring for her sick father here. Maybe she's too busy to notice Bear stealing glances her way or how he hangs on her every word.
Beth gives my forearm a squeeze. "Hang in there, girl. We got you. Coffee will be hitting your bloodstream in less than a minute."
"I should be able to last, but I make no promises."
My mind flashes back to that moment on the beach when Fraser realized we were being photographed.
The determination in his eyes as he held me tight and close. The protective way he shielded me with his back, sidestepping through the water to block their view of me. The way he took off away from them.
I didn't like what was happening, but I did feel safe. Fraser made me feel safe.
Summer skips ahead when she sees Bear, aka Monosyllable Man, stepping out of his diner, flannel-clad, with his sports cap on backward, as always. Seeing him holding a tray of to-go cups, my mouth waters. I can almost taste the coffee on my lips.
Forget the sunrise, this is the best sight I'll see all morning.
"Thank you," Hannah and Beth say in unison as Summer starts handing out drinks.
The second I snatch mine, I bring it to my mouth like a baby does a sippy cup. Ahhh…I can feel myself booting up.
"You're the best, Bear," I say after taking a few sips.
"No sweat."
His gaze lingers on Summer for a moment. She's oblivious, of course, focused on the Great Dane who's basically walking her. Because in addition to being a lawyer and a carer for her father, she also volunteers at the local animal shelter, and because she can never say no to an animal in need, she often ends up fostering them at home.
Bear gives Summer a wave she completely misses as the Great Dane yanks her away, and we keep heading for Cuddle Cove Cliff, our favorite place to watch the sun come up.
The girls try to do this walk once a week. Not being the morning-est of morning people, I join them whenever I can, usually every few weeks. You'd think that working on an early morning show would acclimate me to early starts…but you'd be wrong. And the last thing I want to do on a day off when I can sleep in until noon is get up in the dark. But it's worth it to spend some time with these girls.
"So, Amiel," Beth says to our newest friend. "Hannah mentioned you're new in town."
"That's right. I've been in Comfort Bay for two weeks."
"And you work in the bakery right next door to Hannah's flower shop, right?" I ask, one hundred percent because I'm interested in getting to know her and zero percent because I'm hoping to keep the topic off me and yesterday's wedding for as long as possible.
"I do. I'm so lucky I got the job. I've been baking since forever."
"You bake and you have that waistline?" Beth says, giving Amiel a thorough once-over. "I officially hate you."
"You'll get used to her and her 'sense of humor,'" I say to Amiel, putting the words sense of humor in air quotes.
"It's true. I'm all bite and no bark," Beth concedes with a friendly smile.
"And what do you do?" Amiel asks Beth.
"I run The Cozy Corner bookstore. Do you like to read?"