Page 54 of The Fake Out Flex
Me: "What look? I don't have a look. This is just my normal I have a face look."
Summer: "But she's caffeinated."
Hannah: "Oh, this isn't her I need coffee or else there will be murder look. This is her I'm not telling y'all something look."
Beth: "How can you tell the difference?
Hannah: "I've known her since elementary school. I know all her faces."
"I do not have faces," I retort, schooling my face into…dammit, probably another face for my closest friends to dissect and analyze.
"But there is something you're not telling us, right?" Hannah probes, softening her words with a smile.
"There is."
"I knew it. Spill."
The incline is getting steeper. "Can I spill once we reach the top?" I huff out. "I'm out of practice."
"Well, if you joined us more often…" Beth teases. "Fine. But don't think we won't be on your case the second we reach the peak."
"Wouldn't dream of it," I grumble.
These walks were her idea. She's a morning person, but since she's so awesome and snarky and one of my closest friends, I'm prepared to overlook her one fault.
When we reach the summit, the sky is still a canvas of deep, muted blues and purples, gradually lightening at the horizon where the first hints of morning are beginning to emerge.
Humans are not designed to be up and active this early in the day. This is a hill I am prepared to die on.
Beth checks her watch and smiles. "Perfect timing. The sun is due to come up in two minutes."
We sit down at our usual bench, each taking swigs from our water bottles.
Hannah bumps me with her elbow. "Well?"
"Wouldn't we all like to watch the sun come up in peace and quiet?"
My friends look at me like I've sprouted a second head.
"Fine. I'm spilling."
As the sun comes up over Comfort Bay, I fill them in on everything, starting from the moment Fraser picked me up in my old bedroom and ending with Fraser taking me down to the beach.
I omit the fact that he carried me to the beach.
And insisted on dancing in the water.
To a totally underrated but brilliant Taylor Swift song choice.
And our almost-but-not-quite kiss.
Because I know them.
If I told them that, they'd have a field day with it, making it out to be a bigger deal than what it is, bringing up a conversation I am more than happy to not revisit.
Because I don't want to explain to them for the millionth time that I do not have a crush on Fraser.
Especially since I'm, like, eighty-five percent positive I actually don't.