Page 94 of The Fake Out Flex
Evie: Even if I keep having to remind myself it's meant to be fake.
Beth: Let me guess, it's not feeling fake?
Evie: Not. At. All.
Hannah: Your crush is back?
Beth: Did it ever really leave?
Hannah: I don't think this is one-sided, you guys. He is ALWAYS buying her flowers. My revenue is way up!
Summer: I saw the latest photos of them having dinner online. He looks genuinely smitten.
Amiel: I saw those photos, too. Nothing fake about the look in his eyes.
Beth: Are you talking about the photos where Evie has ketchup on her chin?
Summer: Yep. They're the ones.
Beth: Ooh, I missed them. Send me a link?
Evie: Guys, I'm right here.
Beth: Oh, are you? I thought you were abandoning us.
Evie: Well, I am now!
Evie: Thanks again for the work advice.
Hannah: Anytime, babe.
Smiling, I exit the chat and give Fraser a call.
"And you didn't believe her?" my sister asks, as I give Oakey a push on the swing set in the park.
"Not for a minute. I know Evie well enough to know when she's pretending to be happy. And last night, she was not happy."
"Moooore!" Oakey cries gleefully.
I apply a bit more force to his swing. "Hang on, buddy!"
I smile through my exhaustion.
It was worth catching a cross-country flight to spend some precious time with my sister and my nephew. Even if this is a brief pit stop before my final destination.