Page 99 of The Fake Out Flex
There is no way Tori would betray me like that. She swore she wouldn't tell anyone.
My brain snags on something Dawn said earlier. "Before, when I said nothing ever happened when I would sneak into Evie's bedroom, you said 'I know.'"
"I did."
Yep, that confirms it. My sister knows.
I shake my head. "I can't believe Tori told you."
"I, uh…may have led her to believe I already knew."
"Please don't be mad. She was upset about the breakup, and I was consoling her. She alluded to this big secret you had, and I panicked. I worried she was referring to something bad, like you were into drugs, or…punk music."
"Now is not the time to be bringing up my well-known dislike of punk music."
"Anyway, when she told me you were a, uh…" Dawn sighs. "When she told me that you wanted to wait until you got married, I felt relieved. And instantly guilty for knowing. I didn't mean to pry. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Are you okay, Fraser?"
"My sister just told me she knows I'm a virgin. How great do you think I'm feeling right about now?"
"Hey. You've never judged me for the choices I've made in my life, and I am not judging you for yours. In fact, I think it's great."
"You do?"
She nods enthusiastically. "Totally. It's old-school romantic." She pauses. "Can I ask why you're waiting?"
I've given this a lot of thought over the years, so my answer comes easily.
"Because of Mom and Dad. They were each other's first loves. And Nan and Pop." Mom's parents. "High school sweethearts. And when Mom told me the story about her grandparents growing up next door to each other, it sealed the deal for me. I like the idea of only being with one person. I want that one big love. I just wish it would hurry up and get here."
Dawn smiles knowingly at me. "I have a feeling it's already here. You just need to be brave and open up to Evie. You trust her, right?"
"I do. She's the only person I've ever truly opened up to."
"Is that what you guys did when you snuck into her room?"
"Yeah. We used to lie on the floor and talk. Eat food. Watch games. She used to make bracelets."
"I wish I hadn't been so stuck in my emo, I hate everything and everyone ways and had made more of an effort with her. She seemed like a great person."
"She still is."
"I'd love to see her."
"She'd like to see you, too."
"Awesome. Let's set it up." When I open my mouth to say something about how that would be impossible, Dawn beats me to it. "And I'm calling a family meeting so I can come out of hibernation. I am done being hidden from the world. I'm not saying we do an exclusive sit-down with 60 Minutes anytime soon, but if my story comes out, it comes out. I'm a grown woman. I can handle it."
She takes a breath, then continues. "Clayton is a clown appearing on every reality TV show he can get on. Mom is basking in the glory of her back-to-back Emmy wins. Dad and Trace are killing it running the family business. Everyone has moved on with their lives except for you, and I don't want you to feel like you have to hide me away like I'm some dirty little secret."
"I've never thought of you like that."
"I know you haven't. But it's time, Fraser. It's time for you to move on."
She's right. About everything. She is an adult, and a strong and capable one at that. I have to stop using her and Oakey and the whole situation as an excuse to stop myself from living my own life.
"Fine. Call the family meeting."