Page 79 of Devil May Lie
“So…you’re going to let me fuck you just to keep me around?” Madden wasn’t sure why that bothered him so much, but it did. It left a bad taste in his mouth and he was scowling before he knew it. “Are you forgetting? According to you, I’m also the reason you slipped into one the other night.”
“Seeing you flirting with others definitely messed with my psyche,” Berga agreed.
“You really shouldn’t say things like that. If you think you’re becoming dependent on me, you should keep that on the down low, Butcher. That’s how you get taken advantage of.” Man, Sila had been right about that as well. Berga didn’t have a manipulative bone in his body. Poor—
Wait a second.
Madden cocked his head. “You’re doing that thing aren’t you.”
“What thing?” Berga blinked at him, all innocence.
Turning, he sat back down, tapping the lubed toy against his thigh absently as he considered all the angles. “That thing where you distract me by handing me a drink that you’ve somehow drugged without my notice. You did it to Canham too.”
“Oh, sleight of hand? I’m always doing that thing, haven’t you caught on by now?”
“I don’t follow.”
For a moment, it appeared as though there was something else Berga wanted to say, but he must have changed his mind. “Anyway, you said you wanted to see what reaction I would make? That’s why you were flirting with those people? Does that mean you were hopeful I would get jealous?”
“I won’t lie and say you’re wrong.”
“And just now, you were willing to let me stretch your hole for my cock because you want to keep me around, don’t you?”
“I like you,” Madden stated plainly. “Do you like me?”
“I’m invested in figuring this thing out.”
He sighed. “Sometimes you’re too blunt, Butcher.”
“My point is, you’re willing to do things to keep me around, and I’m willing to do the same. We’re on the same page. There’s no need to continue denying it. It just so happens, I surprisingly like how you feel inside of me. If I have to pick which way we do it, I would choose that. I,” he plucked the plug out of Madden’s hand, “am choosing that.”
“As hot as that sounds, we shouldn’t. The doctor—”
“Screw the doctor.” Berga hummed and corrected, “Actually, don’t. In fact, if I find out you’ve touched anyone other than me while we’re figuring this out, I’ll—”
“That’s just it, Butcher,” Madden stopped him. “Since that first night, I haven’t wanted anyone else.”
“Don’t fall for me, Mad King,” Berga warned. “This is just another experiment, there will eventually be a conclusion.”
Maybe to him, but for Madden, it was already so much more than that. “Agreed. It’s when one of us dies.”
He pursed his lips. “Don’t say things like that.”
“But it’s the truth.”
“Your truth, maybe.”
Madden sighed. “It’s too late, baby, for more than just denial. You’re the one who told that redheaded moron to spread the word I’m yours. We may have been holed up here the past few days, but I still have ears on the streets.”
Not to mention, he’d helped push things in that direction himself by having Yuze announce it to the Emperor.
“I…” Berga seemed torn, “shouldn’t have done that.”
“Are you worried about Baikal?”
“You’re moving far too quickly for my comfort zone,” he stated. “Perhaps we shouldn’t—”
Madden’s hand snatched his wrist when the Butcher went to step away. After all the work he’d put in to get them here, he wasn’t about to push his luck. If they needed to slow things down, so be it. He could follow Berga’s lead if that’s what it took.