Page 6 of Velvet Vengeance
“You bastard!” Tilly hisses, trying to pull out of Ren’s iron grip on her arm. “Put her down. She’s just a kid.” Her eyes narrow angrily. “If you’ve hurt her, I swear to God I’ll gut you like a fucking fish.”
“Wow!” Ren rolls his eyes and sighs before turning his attention to the little angel in my arms. “And who is this?” His face softens as he pulls Tilly closer to me. Ren is a father of three girls.
“Tessa, this is my friend, Ren,” I introduce him to her. “Ren, this is Tilly’s younger sister, Tessa, and she’s a lot nicer than her grumpy, potty-mouthed older sister.”
“He’s very big!” Tessa whispers and inches closer to me.
“Yeah, he’s like a giant.” My eyes connect with Tilly, whose eyes are shooting daggers at me. “Tilly, Tessa and I have had quite the chat.” I purse my lips. “I must say, that hollowed-out mattress is an ingenious hiding place.”
“Hollowed out mattress?” Ren frowns, confused.
“That’s why Gunther didn’t find Tessa. She was hiding in it with a blanket over her.”
“Please, just let my sister go.” Tilly’s voice drops, and her anger dissolves with the guard she had up around her emotions. “She’s been through enough. I’ll cooperate. I’ll do whatever you want. Please, please, just don’t hurt Tessy.”
Jesus! What the hell have these kids been through? My grudging respect for Tilly grows. But I can’t overlook the fact that Tilly has hacked into Velvet Transport and has probably gotten her hands on documents that would get most people killed if they saw them.
“I tell you what…” My head tilts slightly. “Why don’t you and I have a little chat, Tilly? While Ren stays here with Tessa in case the bad men come back.” I look at Ren. “I’m sure Tessa would love some of Ren’s secret stash of chocolate he always has in his coat. And he can help her sort out what she wants to bring with her when we go.”
“What?” Tilly splutters. Anger sparks in her eyes once again. “I won’t let you take my sister.”
“Ren.” I nod toward him before turning to Tessa. “Don’t be scared of Ren. He’s a big softy and has three girls near your age. I promise you he won’t hurt you, and he will protect you with his life.”
“Really?” Tessa’s trusting eyes look into mine. “He’ll protect me.” She looks at her sister. “What about Tilly?”
“I promise you, I’ll look out for Tilly.”
“Pinky swear?” Tessa holds up her little pinky.
“Sure.” We join pinkies.
“Hey, Tessa,” Ren greets her, pulling out the chocolate bar he hides from his kids in his coat. “This is for you. Well, if your sister says it’s okay.” He looks at Tilly. “Is it okay with you if I give your sister some candy?”
“Is it poisoned?” Tilly answers rudely.
Ren sighs. He breaks a piece off and eats it. “Happy?” he asks, taking another block.
“Okay, fine.” Tilly gestures with her hand. “I guess it’s okay.” Her eyes drop longingly to the bar in Ren’s hand.
“Want a piece?” Ren asks her. He sees she’s struggling with wanting a piece but keeping up her adult act. “It will make you feel better knowing that I’m not poisoning your sister.”
“Sure.” Tilly nods, walking forward to take a few blocks. “I guess it is best I try it first so my sister doesn’t get sick.”
I purse my lips, trying not to smile. I forgot how good Ren is with kids. When you look at the six-foot-six solid wall of muscle with his buzz-cut and stern features, you’d never say he’s a father to three young girls who adored him. His wife is tiny compared to him, and he loves his family. Ren would do anything for the people he loves and is loyal to, and I can see he is softening toward Tilly now that he’s getting the bigger picture.
“Can I have some now, please, Tilly?” Tessa asks her sister.
“Of course, kiddo.” Tilly’s voice and features change when she talks to her sister. “Just don’t overdo it, okay. You don’t want to get a tummy ache.”
Tessa nods as Ren reaches out to take her from me. “Careful, her foot.” I point to the foot that was behind my back when she was on my hip.
“Ouch!” Ren says, handing Tessa the candy bar so he can look at her foot as she snuggles into his arms. “Want to tell me how you hurt this, and can I bandage it properly?”
“It’s fine,” Tilly says defensively. “I’ll fix it later.”
“I was pre-med,” Ren says. “I’ll just put it back on as it seems to be coming off a bit.”
“Yeah.” Tilly nods. “I guess you can do that just to keep it from getting infected.”