Page 62 of Velvet Vengeance
“What do you mean?” I ask. “Isabella and Stacy said the three of you were trapped and stuck in separate rooms under heavy guard.”
“For our own safety in case Konstantin and his Zhukov force come down on us,” Lev tells me. “Fuck I can’t believe I lived with them for a year without even noticing they were going to use me as leverage to get Mom to unlock the DNA-encrypted files on all her special clients.“ He pauses, and I hear a tinge of fear in his voice. “Fuck, Andrey, they want it all!”
“Are you telling me that Konstantin and Roman are behind all this?” My brow creases, and I look up to see Isabella at the counter with a whole lot of stuff. “I have to go.”
“Where are you?” Lev asks. “We need to talk. You and Isabella are in great danger if you’re following Konstantin’s plans to get her out of the country.”
Lev is my brother, and I know I should believe him, but something nags at the back of my mind and isn’t sitting right in my gut.
“How did you get Mom’s phone?”
“Dad had it, and Marco gave it to me,” Lev’s voice drops.
“When did Dad get Mom’s…” Shit, Isabella is paying for her goods. “I’ll call you later. It’s good to hear your voice again, brother.”
I hang up. My brain is reeling from what Lev has just told me. For a second, I wonder if Lev’s right and Isabella and I are being herded into a trap. Fuck I don’t even know where we’re supposed to be going. I’ve been so stuck on looking after Isabella and our babies that I’ve just been following her blindly on some vague statement Konstantin made about getting us to safety.
“Isabella,” I get to her as the shop assistant is piling a new toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, mints, tea, some makeup, deodorant, and a few other items into a shopping bag. “We have most of this stuff.”
“Well, I want more.” Isabella glares at me. She’s still steaming from her last rant. “I also bought this.” She holds up a purse with a long strap. “Now I can have the things I need on hand at all times.”
“Okay!” I nod and take the shopping bag. “We have to go. They’re boarding our flight soon.”
As we start to walk out of the shop, the woman who served Isabella says, “Remember what I told you about the tea.”
“Thank you, Jane.” Isabella’s eyes soften, and she smiles.
We rush to the gate and find the boarding has been delayed due to a problem with the gate. I breathe a sigh of relief because now I can call Lev back. After ensuring Isabella is seated near the gate, I put the duffel bag beside her.
“I have to go to the bathroom,” I lie.
Isabella nods, giving me a relaxed look, then pulls a magazine from the shopping bag and dismisses me. My eyes narrow, and I shake my head before turning on my heel and heading to a bathroom close to the gate.
After checking to ensure the stalls were empty, I pulled out the phone and call Lev back.
“Andrey,” Lev answers. “Look, I don’t have much time to talk. Marco is moving us out of the lodge as it’s been compromised, but we managed to escape just before Konstantin, and his fucking ruthless army barged through.” He pauses.
“As long as you’re okay,” I tell him. “Where are you headed? Did Marco say?”
“No,” Lev replies and pauses. “I’ll be able to talk more once we’re at our destination.”
“Okay.” My brow creases a bit tighter. “Have you heard anything about Dad? Was Marco able to tell you who beat him up so badly?”
“No,” Lev replies before moving the conversation back to mine and Isabella’s trip. “Look, about Isabella…” Lev’s voice is hesitant. “Marco tells me that you and her are on your way to meet the messenger.”
My brow creases. Is that what this trip is all about? Not just getting Isabella to safety but finding the messenger?
“How does Marco know about the trip?”
“That’s another reason he kidnapped us from Konstantin.” Lev’s voice has notes of urgency in it. “To stop Konstantin from taking Isabella to meet the messenger.”
“Why would Marco want to stop Isabella from getting to the messenger?”
“He’s afraid that once Konstantin has his hands on what Karina sent to Isabella, he’ll kill Isabella.” Lev’s words make me go cold, and I feel the blood drain from my face.
“But he needs our babies to get an alliance.”
“No, brother, he does not,“ Lev points out. “Konstantin already has the pedigree he needs and a strong alliance with Europe, Canada, and Alaska.”