Page 39 of The Retreat
My phone vibrates again with a text from Isaac.
“I have to go.”
I run from the apartment. There’s no other way to describe it. Like a fucking coward, I run.
By the time I make it to the car, I’ve pulled my shit together.
Sliding in next to Isaac, I smile at him. There’s a glow about him, a confidence he didn’t have last year. Good dick will do that for you.
And getting away from your homophobic parents.
“Oliver wants to know if Owen has eaten today. You haven’t shared the app information.”
“Oliver can suck my dick.”
Isaac blinks. “I’m not saying that to him.”
I shrug. “Worried he’ll take it too literally?”
“Rude. Don’t take out your bad decisions on me!” Isaac huffs.
I slip my arm around him. “I’m sorry. I’m just…frustrated.”
“How’s it going? Living together I mean.” Isaac is so cute, pretending like he isn’t gathering information for Oliver.
“It’s fine. Much like it was before we moved out, except no Oliver.”
“You are reminding Owen to take care of himself though, right?”
I sigh, so very tired of this conversation. “Owen is an adult. I remind him, but I’m not his babysitter or his mother. He’s relied on Oliver too much. He has to figure out how to stand on his own.”
The car falls quiet, which is fine. I don’t want to talk about Owen anymore anyway.
Cassandra Claire Covington: I have a date tonight *eye roll*
Best Brother Ever: One that you arranged yourself?
Cassandra Claire Covington: Hilarious.
Best Brother Ever: With who this time?
Cassandra Claire Covington: Benjamin Louis
I have to think about that one for a minute. Who the hell is that? It takes me about ten seconds on social media to find the little twerp with a slicked back side part and audacity that gags me through a picture. Great.
Best Brother Ever: Try not to choke on his personality since he’ll be shoving it down your throat.
Cassandra Claire Covington:…is that a euphemism?
I chuckle.
Best Brother Ever: Nope. If he touches you, call me and I’ll break his fingers. I’m not kidding.
Cassandra Claire Covington: Thanks
We go to brunch, do some shopping, and eventually make it to school for practice. I got a notification on my phone that Owen left home, thanks to Oliver insisting on that too. Looks like he went to bother Oliver after all. It’s probably good for both of them.
“Is he going to come to practices with us?” Isaac asks as we exit the car.