Page 51 of The Retreat
I snort because he isn’t wrong. “I don’t want you to cuddle me if you hate it.”
“I don’t hate it.”
“I promise.”
After the best night of sleep I’ve had since I married Owen, I make us coffee and breakfast. It’s nothing fancy, scrambled eggs and toast, but it’s the thought that counts.
I’ve set our plates on the island for us to eat together when my phone buzzes.
Insufferable Asshole: What are you giving Owen?
Colin: What are you talking about?
Insufferable Asshole: HE WAS CHEERFUL.
Colin: What did he do?
Insufferable Asshole: He said good morning. It’s never a good morning.
I roll my eyes.
“Your brother is freaking out. What do I even say to him?” I holler loud enough for Owen to hear me in the bedroom.
Colin: Maybe he’s happy?
Insufferable Asshole: Don’t gaslight me. I’ve known him for twenty-three years, and he’s never said good morning to me. Are you drugging him?
Colin: Only with the meds you told me to pick up.
Insufferable Asshole: I will get to the bottom of this.
“What are you doing?”
Owen’s voice scares the shit out of me, sending my pulse through the atmosphere. “For fuck’s sake! I’m going to tie a bell to you.”
“You’re smiling like a villain. What are you doing?”
“Oh, tormenting Oliver.”
Owen’s phone starts buzzing, and he sighs. “Thanks a lot.”
“Ignore him and eat breakfast.”
“He’ll probably show up and demand I take a drug test.”
I shrug. “That sounds like a him problem.”
Owen sits in the seat next to me. “Until he makes it my problem.”
“You know, you can tell him no, right?”
“Have you ever tried?” He picks up his coffee and takes a drink, licking his lips before putting it down. Gods, the way I want to put that tongue to better use…
“What are you thinking about, princess?” There’s an edge to his voice that has my dick waking up.
“Better things to do with your tongue.”