Page 60 of The Retreat
“No one’s hiding in the bathroom?” he asks with a teasing tone to his voice.
I hold up my middle finger. “No one. What about there?”
“Don’t make me get out of bed to do an apartment tour. I’m too tired for that.” His voice is all cute and whiny, making it clear he’s tired.
“You could have someone next to you. I can barely see you.” I lay back, lifting my knees to hold the phone.
He fumbles around for a minute and then flips on the bedside lamp. “I had three projects due. Isaac was here helping me.” He makes air quotes. “He’s not used to Oliver being at work so much. Especially the long hours. I think it’s making him insecure.”
“Did you tell him my father is deranged and is really keeping his kid at work that late?” Anyone who’s met our father should know his kid doesn’t get a free pass.
“I tried, but I don’t know. I think it’s just the mood. That’s why I keep taking him out. He needs to get out of that apartment.”
“I bet it’s good for you, too.”
“It is.” He looks into my eyes through the phone, but it feels so much deeper than it should be this far apart. “How are you doing there?”
“I’ve been throwing myself fully into training, so I don’t have much time to think. I am nowhere near the fitness I need to be for this and being at altitude isn’t helping.” I screw up my face. “But it’s getting better, and I’m getting a feel for the team.”
“Are you making friends?” he asks tentatively.
“Is me being gone making you insecure?” I ask.
He picks at fuzz on the blanket. “I don’t know.”
I’ve never seen him this way. “Your lips are the only ones that have been on my cock.”
His brows pull. “And what about?—”
“I’ve only touched your cock.” My dick stiffens. How did just talking about messing around with him get to me?
I don’t know if he believes me, and we fall into silence.
“It’s nice getting to talk to you.” I try to make it not awkward but seem to make it more so.
“Is it?” he asks.
“You don’t agree?”
“Do you miss me?” Colin doesn’t answer my question.
“Why didn’t you answer?”
He’s silent again, and I hate it. “Why did you call?”
“Because I miss you.” And a whole host of other insecure reasons.
“You’re just saying that,” he says in a rush.
“I’m not just saying it. I really do miss you.”
He seems off, and I can’t figure out why. Is he lying to me? “Are you happy?” he asks at length.
I give him a strange look. “Is anyone happy? What kind of question is that?”
“Yes, Owen, I think people are happy.” He frowns. Dejected.
“Well, I wouldn’t know what that’s like. I’m not currently thinking about throwing myself off a building. I feel like that’s pretty good.”