Page 103 of Ruthless
“Either tell me here, or you’ll be taken to a black site and questioned in a different kind of way. Believe me, my way is much kinder.”
“Do you honestly think you have any power? By morning, Ile de la Lune will have a new king.”
“Seriously, Alex, not only are you evil, but you’re also delusional. Did you really believe you could get away with this?”
“It’s a done deal.”
“No, the only done deal is that you’ll be locked up in prison for treason. Papa will continue his reign.”
“Lina, if this attempt fails, it’s only a matter of time before someone else takes over. Might as well be me.”
She tilted her head, genuinely curious. “What kind of king would you be, Alex? What would you do for our country that Papa hasn’t done?”
“As I told you before, Papa is still living in the twentieth century. Technology, infrastructure, manufacturing—all the things that make a country great, he hasn’t done a thing about.”
“You think that’s what makes a country great?”
“Progress, mon cher. It’s what makes the world go round.”
“You’re wrong, Alex. It’s our people who make us great.”
“Aw, now that’s just too precious. Even with that gun in your hand, you’re still the same wide-eyed innocent you’ve always been.”
No, there was little innocence left inside her, but she still believed in good people and something greater than herself. Alex didn’t have that capacity.
“Tell me who’s behind this, and I’ll try to make sure you’re put in a more comfortable place.”
Laughter erupted from him, and then he pulled something from his pocket. She didn’t wait to see what it was. She fired, and her brother squealed, holding his bleeding hand to his chest.
“You bitch!”
“You better believe it, dear brother. Now, this is the last time I’ll ask. Who’s funding your little takeover project?”
“Go. To. Hell,” he gritted out.
“Thanks, but I have other plans.” Walking closer, her gun pointed directly at his head, she snapped, “Lie on the floor. Face down.”
When he didn’t move, she said softly, “Do you still question if I know how to use this gun? Get up, or you’re going to lose another appendage. Maybe a leg this time.”
A blend of fury and pain shimmering in his eyes, he stood and then went to his knees. “They’ll continue to come. Papa won’t be able to hold them off forever.”
“That’s not something you ever have to worry about again, Alex. Now lie down before I take the choice away from you.”
Shooting her one more outraged look, he lay flat on the floor. Using the handcuffs she’d taken from his co-conspirator, she secured his wrists. By the time she was through, he was crying out in pain. His hand was bleeding profusely, and he would likely have nerve damage. But after all he’d done, all the pain he had caused, she could not find it anywhere in her heart to care.
Quickly rifling through the desk drawers, she came up with several helpful items, including duct tape. Since she couldn’t trust that he wouldn’t try to run to warn the guards, she took the time to wrap tape around his ankles.
Standing back, she observed the man she’d loved all her life. He was no longer her brother. He was a fiend who would get the justice he deserved.
“Hey, beautiful.”
The woman standing over the bloodied, handcuffed man on the floor was in full operational mode. At his voice, she whirled, pointing her gun at the door.
Gideon leaned against the doorjamb. His relief at seeing Eve healthy and whole made his knees weak. “Looks like you’ve taken care of business.”
She didn’t return his grin, but her eyes gleamed in welcome. “It’s good to see you, partner.”