Page 63 of Ruthless
“Ile de la Lune.”
“I see,” Ash said dryly.
She sent a puzzled glance at Gideon, who explained, “I told Ash that’s where I am. I haven’t told him anything else.”
“I’ll explain more when you arrive, but this is where both of us grew up.”
“So you were childhood friends?”
“Not exactly. I’m…uh…” She cleared her throat and said, “My father is the king.”
There was just the briefest moment of silence before Ash said, “Okay, I won’t ask any more.”
Thankful for his acceptance, she said, “I’ll send you details so you’ll know what to do when you arrive.”
“Sounds good. And, Eve?”
“It’ll be good to see you again.”
“Thanks, Ash. It’ll be good to see you and Serena both. Give Jules and Joshua my love.”
“Will do.”
When the call ended, she pulled in a shaky breath and said, “I guess it’s time everyone learns the truth.”
“You think they’ll look at you differently?”
“I don’t know. I hope not.”
Holding out his hand to her, he pulled her into his arms and just held her. Gideon knew better than anyone how hard she’d fought to be seen as someone other than a princess or a victim. Though she knew neither Ash nor Serena would see her as either one, she couldn’t help but be a little apprehensive.
“What do you think those cryptic messages from Iris Gates mean?” she asked.
Releasing her, he backed away and shook his head. “I’d say if she knows what’s happening, this thing is a whole lot bigger than we thought.”
“Those are my thoughts, too.” She went to the closet and pulled out her coat. “I need to speak with my father. He and my brothers need to be on the highest alert.”
“As do you,” Gideon said.
Shaking her head, she shrugged on her jacket with his help. “I’m nothing to these people. They’re the ones in danger.”
Gideon remained ominously silent as they walked out the door.
Gideon woke with a start, reaching for Eve. When he felt only empty space, he shot to his feet. “Eve?”
“In here.”
Grabbing his pants, he slid them on and followed her voice. He wasn’t surprised to find her in her office, reviewing the boards she’d set up.
Their return to her apartment last night had been somber and introspective. Even though neither of them trusted Iris Gates, and her message had been ridiculously vague, they also knew she would not have sent them this message without a good reason. Something was afoot, and they needed to uncover what the hell was going on.
They’d fallen asleep in each other’s arms, but he should have known she wouldn’t be able to rest. When Eve was on an op, she rarely slept well. Since this involved her family, she likely hadn’t slept at all.
She turned when he stood at the doorway. “Sorry, did I wake you?”