Page 100 of Reckless
“Just seeing to some unfinished business. Follow me.”
Intrigued, she allowed him to pull her out of the tent to the parking lot. He led her to a car and helped her inside, then got into the driver’s seat. Two minutes later, they were stopping in front of the little cottage she and Xavier had been staying in since he had arrived.
Only half joking, she said, “If we’re starting our honeymoon already, give me five minutes to put on the black lace lingerie Eve gave me.”
“Now that’s something I look forward to.”
Hand in hand, they walked onto the porch, and then, giving her a thrill and a giggle, he scooped her into his arms and carried her over the threshold.
When he dropped her to her feet, she said, “That’s an excellent beginning to a honeymoon.”
“I need to get something.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Go on into the den. I’ll join you in a moment.”
Excited to see what he had for her, Jazz went quickly to the den and stepped inside. Her mind on just what Xavier had planned, she was almost in the middle of the room before she sensed a presence. Looking around, she came to an abrupt halt, her body frozen in place and all breath leaving her in an audible gasp. She knew that face, and she knew those eyes.
“Brody?” she whispered.
“Hey, Little Mighty,” he said softly.
With a soft sob, she flew across the room and into his open arms. When they closed around her and he whirled her around like he did when they were kids, Jazz cried against his neck, “Brody, oh, Brody, I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”
“I know, Jazzy. I’m so damned sorry for leaving you like that.”
She couldn’t respond, the emotions so big and overwhelming all she could do was hang on and treasure the moment. Her beloved, wonderful brother was here with her. She had never given up on him, but she wasn’t sure she’d believed she would ever see him again.
“Come on, let’s sit down. I can’t stay long.”
She told herself to get her act together. Brody was already planning to leave, and she had so many things she wanted to ask him, so much she needed to say. She let him lead her to the sofa, and she sat beside him but refused to let go of his hand.
“How did this happen? How did you know where I was?”
“Your husband sent me a message.” He squeezed her hand. “I wish I could have given you away, but it’s best that I stay in the shadows.”
“Why, Brody? What do you do? What happened to you?”
“That’s a long story for another day, Jazz. I just wanted to see you and wish you happiness. I know I let you down all those years ago, and not a day goes by that I don’t hate myself for it.”
“No, Brody. Don’t say that. Kate told me what happened. You protected me the only way you knew how.” She took the hand she was holding and kissed it fiercely. “Thank you for always looking out for me. I’m so sorry you went through hell for me.”
And he had gone through hell, there was no question in Jazz’s mind about that. The eyes might be the same, as well as his features, but the Brody she remembered as a child was no more. In his place was a scarred, hard-looking man with a fierceness that would have scared her if she hadn’t had experience with hard, scary-looking men. Whatever Brody had gone through had changed him in drastic and dramatic ways.
“I’m just glad you’re all right, Jazz. Mom and Dad would be so proud of you.” His mouth tilted slightly, the closest he’d come to a smile, as he said, “You look so much like our mother.”
Our mother. Brody’s birth mother had taken off a couple years after he was born, and Papa Mac had raised his son by himself until he’d married Jazz’s mom. From the moment Brody had met her, he’d looked upon Eliza as his mother. And she had loved him like he was her own son.
“Do you know what happened to them, Brody? Do you know who killed them?”
“Not yet, Jazz.”
“Let me help.”
“You help by staying safe. Okay? Make sure that big lug of a husband takes care of you.”
When he went to his feet, Jazz’s heart wrenched. She jumped up and grabbed his hand again. “Don’t go.”
“I can’t stay, Jazz. I just wanted to see you and tell you how proud I am of you and how happy I am for you. Quinn might be an ass, but he loves you, and that’s what matters most.”
She could only imagine the conversation Xavier and Brody might have had. She was sure there had been plenty of threats thrown back and forth. Such was the way of tough, grumpy, overprotective men.