Page 34 of Wicked Secrets
“You don’t have a choice. Let me go, Smith. I can’t lose him again. How many times do I have to say that? What part of that do you not understand?”
“Apparently, all of it.”
At the sound of Aaron’s voice, I can finally breathe again. He’s alive. He’s safe. He steps beside us, and his hand comes down on my arm. “Let her go, Smith. You might be a solider, but you’re not the killer I am.”
Smith’s eyes meet mine. “This is who you love and want to stand by?”
“Let me go, Smith.”
“No,” he says. “He can kill me and then maybe you’ll see who he really is.”
“The man who loves her,” Aaron says. “The man who would die for her, and the longer we stand here, the more of a target we become.”
“Let her go before he kills you,” another voice bites out.
Smith grimaces and flicks the newcomer a look. “What the fuck are you doing, Adam?”
“I know Adam,” I tell Aaron softly. “He’s with Walker, an ex-SEAL.”
“I am,” Adam confirms. “I worked closely with the CIA. I talked to someone I trust. He believes Aaron was setup.”
“Holy fuck,” Aaron curses. “Who did you tell?” He looks at Smith. “I told you to keep this between us. We need to leave now.” He pulls his gun and points it at Smith.
“Aaron,” I gasp. “Stop. No.”
Aaron stays focused on Smith. “Let her go now, or I’ll kill you right here.”
“Easy, man,” Adam says. “I didn’t tell him you were here. I told him our overseas operation had an encounter with you. Step back, Smith.”
“Ashley,” Smith murmurs, a plea in my name.
“I’m okay,” I say. “I promise you. He’s a good man, but thank you for risking your life for me because that’s what you’re doing right now.”
“Step back, Smith,” Adam orders, yet again.
“Now,” Aaron orders.
Smith inhales and lets me go, taking a long stride backward. Aaron pulls me to him, holstering his weapon. It’s only then that I realize that the lower level we’re inside is empty, thank God. “We’re leaving.”
“We can help,” Adam states. “I talked to my boss. He knows the situation and that was one of our men following you.”
“I’m aware of that now,” Aaron states. “He followed me like a man with no skill.”
“He’s not a man of no skill,” Adam replies. “You’re simply a man of great skill, and I assure you, I am as well. Talk to me. Let me help.”
“Why would I trust you?” He eyes Smith. “Your track record thus far isn’t to my liking.”
“You can’t do this alone,” Adam says. “You knew that or you wouldn’t have come to us.”
“And yet, I can. We’re going to walk out of here, and you’ll never see us again.”
“But that’s not what you want,” Smith interjects. “You said you want to give Ashley her freedom. Leave her with us.”
“So she can be a sitting duck waiting on her slaughter?” Aaron challenges. “No. Never. You’ve proven how you take care of her.”
“Let us earn your trust,” Adam offers. “Let us help you find the answers you need. Give us the questions you need answered. We’ll find the answers.”
“And bring attention to us we don’t need?” Aaron counters. “No, thank you.”