Page 47 of Corrupted
"I need to see if it's Kurt," I said finally. My guys were not going to let themselves get killed. They weren't. I had to have faith in that. But I needed to know. If we were this close to him and didn't even try, then we'd taken this risk for nothing.
"All right, let's go." Gianni dropped his hands from my shoulders, to wrap them around my fingers. "Unless you'd like me to go first."
"Not a chance," I said. Whatever happened to me, the flashback, it was gone now, replaced with efficient assassin mode.
I might let myself fall apart later, but for now I couldn't. I had to be Mina fucking DiMarco, the Sparrow, for a while longer.
We slipped through the darkness, moving slowly and silently towards the vehicle. A couple of metres away, I stopped again.
"What the hell?" I whispered.
In the back of the car was some kind of dummy. It was propped against the seat, high enough to look like a person. As far as I could tell, it had no face, but that wasn't what had me staring.
Sitting around where a person's chest would be, was a phone. The screen was on, showing a visual of our house here in Dusk Bay.
I couldn't tell who held the phone, but it was pointed at Kurt, who sat on the couch, a gun in his hand. Beside him was Enzo, Angelina and Caleb. They all looked pissed off. Their mouths were covered with duct tape.
Same with the fourth person on the couch with them.
Kurt’s gun was pointed at the temple of my sister, Rose.
"We need to get back," I said urgently. I darted away from the SUV, back to the shadows. "Now."
Gun in hand, I trotted in the direction of the gunshots, leaving Gianni to hurry to catch up.
Several of Kurt's minions still surrounded the SUV, their backs to the vehicle while they exchanged shots with Damon and Reuben. Two lay dead near the front tyres. The others were way too alive for my taste.
I preferred subtle and quiet, but when Kurt put a gun to my sister's head, all bets were fucking off.
I raised my gun and took out two of them with two shots before they even knew I was there. I ducked behind their second vehicle before they could turn and return the favour.
"We need to get away from these vehicles," Gianni said as he crouched beside me.
I glanced at him and nodded.
Another gunshot rang out. Another minion fell to the ground, Damon taking advantage of the distraction I provided.
That left ten. Too many for comfort.
I rose high enough to peek through the window at our vehicle. I caught a glimpse of the twins, both looking like they were waiting for an opportunity to push out of the vehicle and join in the gunfight. Both were frustrated they'd been designated with the task of keeping Leon inside the vehicle and stopping him from joining his 'friends.' If you could call them that.
I ducked back down, pulled out my phone and dialled a number. A couple of moments later, Daze's voice came down the line.
"Hey, Mina, what's up?"
"Just wondering if you're up to anything right now," I said lightly. "We could use a little help, if you're not busy."
Gianni rose and took a shot at one of the minions who'd turned his back at the wrong time. "Fuck." He dropped back down. "I missed."
"Are you having a party without me?" Daze sounded slightly miffed.
"You could say that." I peered around the side of the vehicle and took a shot at the closest set of ankles. "I know it's short notice, but if you'd like to hang out for a while, you're more than welcome. I've texted you the address."
She laughed. "We're on our way. That's only a couple of minutes from here. Later, we might have words about you having a gunfight in my neighbourhood." She ended the call.