Page 56 of Corrupted
"You can't," Damon whispered. "We're not?—"
His words were interrupted by gunshots from outside the front of the house. Someone shouted and everything fell quiet again.
I pictured the scene outside in my mind, but couldn't draw any conclusions. Aidan and the Demons might be dead, or they might not.
I'd like to think they were more difficult to kill than that, but only time would tell. All I could do for them was to send good thoughts and hope like hell they made it through. The team needed them. The hockey team as well as us.
"What choice do I have?" she asked. "You can't all die for me."
"Enough of this bullshit," Kurt snapped. "Kill the other twin."
A shuffle sounded from the direction of the kitchen before silence fell once again.
Mina's breath was a soft sob. "I have to. It's the only way."
"I won't let you—" I started.
"You can't stop me," she said. "This is what I have to do. I need to do this for all of you. Forget about me."
There was conviction in her tone, but a heavy dose of fear. Yes, she would do this for us. She'd give up the rest of her life and spend it caged and chained so we wouldn't die, but the idea of going back to that life was the worst, most inconceivable nightmare possible. The fact she'd even consider subjecting herself to that again, just for us, made me love her even more.
She was, without a doubt, the most incredible woman I'd ever met.
I pulled her to me and brushed my lips over hers. "We will never forget you. Never." I held her tight like I might be able to change her mind if I held her for long enough.
"You have to let me go," she insisted.
"Who shall I kill next?" Kurt mused in a singsong voice. "I guess I could start with Angelina. She doesn't have any family here to stick up for her. Although…her death might be enough to convince you I'm serious."
Enzo let out a roar of protest from behind his duct tape.
"I think he's volunteering to go first," Kurt said. "How touching. Is that something Damon would do, too? Give up your life for the woman you think you love? Even while knowing she belongs to someone else? I bet Reuben would do the same thing, wouldn't you Reuben? And Gianni. So heroic for a bunch of criminals."
"Hey, everyone, I found the pot," I called out. "First of all, yes, we would die for Mina, because she belongs to us, not you. Secondly, you’re the kind of person who gives the word ‘criminal’ a bad name. And coward. And asshole. And…" I could have gone on for hours.
"Sticks and stones," Kurt sneered.
"Breaking your bones would be my pleasure," Damon growled.
"Ah, there's Damon," Kurt said. "I changed my mind, I think your brother can die next. Then maybe Reuben's other brother. It was Caleb who helped to spread the rumour I was really the Sparrow, wasn't it? Do you realise that made it difficult for people to trust me? Some of them even thought they might turn on me. Instead, all you did was force my hand tonight. But don’t worry. Before I came here, I put out word of who the real Sparrow is. Along with some damning evidence about something she once did. People were only too happy to believe the truth."
"I didn't kill her," Mina said softly.
"Yes, you did," Kurt contradicted. "The same way you just killed Hunter and Parker. The same way you're about to kill Enzo and Caleb if you don't hurry up and give yourself to me. I'm going to be generous and give you two more minutes. Then I'm done fucking around. Time starts… Right now."
I sank against Gianni for a few moments.
This could be the last time I got to see any of them. These few moments weren't enough. It never would be. All three of them had saved me in so many ways. They got me out of the basement and they gave me my life back. They gave me themselves and their hearts.
Now it was time for me to give back to them.
I could hardly believe that the twins were dead, they'd been so full of life.
They had to be the last. I couldn't let anyone else give up their lives for me. No matter how willing they were to sacrifice themselves. I knew all three of them would fall on their own swords for me. I loved them for it.