Page 16 of Goal Line Love
“Will do.” She hops out of the car, and I can’t help the big goofy grin on my face. As I pump gas, my phone rings and my little sister wants to video call. I always answer when she wants to talk.
“Millie, my sweet girl. How are you today?” I lean against my SUV, facing the pump.
“Arrison.” I smile out how she never pronounces the H in my name. “I’m good. I wost a toof! See!” She wiggles her tongue through the hole.
“Awesome. How much did the tooth fairy bring you?”
“A quarter and I wanna give it to you to add to the kids with cancer.” Her face is serious and determined, and my heart melts for her all over again. I’m never not in a gush mode when it comes to this little girl.
“I think they’d really like that and every penny helps.”
“Daddy wants to talk to you. Bye.” Then Millie’s gone before I can say anything and I laugh. A girl of few words, but she amuses me to no end. Perfect in every way.
My heart twinges at not being able to hold her and take her on ice cream runs whenever I want. She’s the driving force to get me back to California, but Bergan’s face flashes in my mind and this need to be with her is overtaking the ever-present urge to get back to California. The realization startles me that things are changing. And what will that mean for Millie?
“Hey Son, how’s the quest to come back to Cali going? Any teams asking about you?”
I smile, but there’s not much behind it. He’s reading my mind, and it’s a little disconcerting because I’m not sure what I should say.
“I don’t know. I’m really starting to like Colorado, Dad.” I sigh and rub my forehead, hoping it’ll clear up some answers for me.
“Oh. Really? That’s a new development.” His jaw tightens, his eyes becoming darker. “Just remember, your sister loves you and misses you.”
Great, now I’m getting the guilt trip. Something I don’t need at the moment.
I hug large bottles of cold water against my chest, and I can’t keep the giddiness within me from bubbling over. I know I said there’s no more with Harrison than the one night, but damn it was the best night of my life. I’m still aching for more and I haven’t been able to stop replaying every moment of it.
I was tempted more than once to drag him upstairs while we were at the bar-b-que to have another memorable moment with him. But I need to think about it all before I jump in. This isn’t my first rodeo, and I need to make sure I’m smart about this bucking bronc. It’s easy to get hurt.
I stop at the front of his vehicle when Harry’s voice carries over from the opposite side. “I know, I love Millie. She means the world to me, you know that. Yeah, I’ll make it back to Cali, one way or another.”
I freeze in place as my stomach gets lodged in my throat. I swallow down a large gulp and try not to let any emotions move into my face. He loves someone named Millie…
That’s a far distance from the name Bergan.
Harrison notices me and smiles. “I gotta go.” He hangs up and there’s no guilt, but why should there be. We never promised each other more than one night.
One… and done.
I give him a weak smile and move to the passenger seat, avoiding him for a few moments. Hearing him talk about loving another woman stuns me when it shouldn’t. It’s not like I haven’t heard Millie’s name before.
What did I fucking expect? I said no future. Nothing past this weekend.
He’s holding up his side. I set the boundaries. I have no reason to be pissed or hurt. I’m a big girl and created this situation all on my own.
The lump in my throat gets bigger as I can’t get over the disappointment that I created for myself. It’s as big as one of the mountains that I’m staring at out my window and I only have myself to blame.
Going home, writing the story, and moving on is the only thing I can do for myself now. Lesson learned. I said no hockey players, I should’ve meant it.
Harrison hops in and starts the car. “Ready?”
I nod and rest my head against the headrest.
“You okay?”
“A little headache.”