Page 69 of Inevitable
“Fine. Beg for my forgiveness, peasant,” he said.
“Hey!” Drew frowned. “How come you didn’t offer to grovel for me?”
“It’s like a signing bonus,” Bas said. “You agree to be my boyfriend, and then you’ll get special perks for a while until you’re stuck and can’t escape me anymore.”
“I’m new in this relationship, too,” Drew protested.
“You’ve been around for twenty years. Face it, you’ve used up your free trial days.”
“Huh,” Drew said thoughtfully. “So it’s kind of like those gym memberships you can’t cancel no matter how hard you try.”
It was Bas’s time to protest. “Hey!”
Drew squirmed away as Bas tried to tickle him. The attempt ended a few seconds later when Bas fell out of the bed. Drew and Ezra both scrambled to peer over the edge of the bed. Both of them cracked up as they saw Bas’s bewildered face.
“Nice. I have two boyfriends, and neither of them supports me in my time of need.”
“Aww, poor baby.” Drew smirked as Bas flipped him off.
“This bed is too damn small,” he grumbled as he pushed himself up to a sitting position. He looked around and frowned before he seemed to have an idea.
Bas stood up and walked to where Ezra’s duffel was stored against the door of the closet. He grabbed it and marched out the door. Bas was back after a second. He pulled the closet doors open and started taking Ezra’s clothes out.
“Umm… what are you doing?” Drew asked.
Bas looked at him with confusion. “I’m moving us all into one room. My room. I have the largest bed.”
Ezra buried his face in Drew’s shoulder to hide his smile.
“Way to make it look like you’re throwing him out,” Drew said dryly.
Bas looked at the pile of clothes in his arms and then at Drew and Ezra.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake. I was going for the grand romantic gesture,” Bas complained. Ezra was laughing so hard by that time there were tears running down his cheeks.
“I don’t want us to sleep in separate rooms ever again. It’s one room. One bed. Every night. Anybody got a problem with that?”
“You’re very aggressive with your affection,” Drew commented, which only made Ezra howl with laughter. No two people had ever made him feel as light and carefree as Bas and Drew. Combined with the relief of the fight being over and done with, he felt downright giddy. And sleeping in the same bed with Bas and Drew every night? This was shaping up to be one of the best days of Ezra’s life, surpassing all other good memories, the few he had, by miles.
Bas nodded his head. “Good. Now that that’s out of the way, we can start the day. Last one in the kitchen makes breakfast,” he announced before bolting out the door.
Ezra looked at Drew. “Is he serious?”
“As a heart attack,” Drew confirmed.
They both glanced at each other before they scrambled to get out of bed. Drew was the first to hit the floor, but Ezra was right on his heels. He caught up to Drew in the doorway and wrapped his arms around Drew’s waist to stop him. They struggled for a bit, each trying to get the upper hand, which was difficult since they were both laughing so hard.
It seemed a little deviousness was in order to win this thing. Ezra pushed his hand lower and cupped Drew’s cock.
“You know,” Ezra panted, “if we occupy ourselves for a little while, I bet Bas will get bored of waiting and deal with breakfast himself.”
Drew stilled. “You think?”
“Absolutely.” Ezra kissed Drew’s neck, nipping the place where the man’s neck and shoulder met, which always made Drew’s breathing pick up.
Drew turned around and sealed his mouth over Ezra’s. Ezra took a step and turned them around so that he now stood between Drew and the door. It took a couple of minutes for them to come up for air.
“So,” Ezra asked as he moved to Drew’s neck, showering the skin with kisses, “what do you think you’ll be making?”