Page 50 of Nitro
I took a deep breath, acknowledging that if Tommy was to be my mate, he deserved to know all sides of me, even the darker ones.
"After I found them together, I went insane with jealousy and let my anger get the better of me," I admitted, holding Tommy's gaze. "I nearly killed Benji."
The memories were still vivid—the confusion, the red pulpy mess that used to be my best friend, Gin screaming in the background, calling me a monster.
"Did you?" Tommy asked, his tone devoid of judgment or fear.
"Did I what?" I asked, momentarily distracted.
"End up killing him?" Tommy clarified.
"No, Benji lived," I replied.
"Then you don't have to feel guilty about anything. He deserved that beating," Tommy said matter-of-factly.
I looked at my mate, surprised by his pragmatic response. Tommy seemed certain that I'd done the right thing.
Why was I expecting him to turn away after hearing my darkest secret?
Tommy had stared darkness in the face and spat right back at it.
Unable to stop myself, I leaned in and kissed him.
"You're something, you know that?" I said afterward, still marveling at Tommy's acceptance and understanding.
He flashed me an amazing smile that lit up his face completely. I was one lucky bear.
Spike once mentioned how he was envious of Tommy and me.
He had every right to be, because finding my true mate was a once in a lifetime opportunity, one I intend to take advantage of.
"I'm going to spend the rest of my life making you happy," I thought, feeling slightly giddy.
"Now make me really yours, Nitro," Tommy said, and I realized he wasn't kidding about wanting to be together.
Tommy looked completely serious, and so was I. I knew without a doubt that I intended to spend the rest of my life with him.
It was now or never. Some things just couldn’t wait.
So I pulled him close and closed my mouth over the side of his neck. Tommy didn’t pull away or tense up, he simply relaxed.
I bit down hard, until my fangs hit bone. Tommy let out a soft cry but that was all.
My grizzly reached for his inner magpie, eager to forge an unbreakable bond.
I pulled away and it was Tommy’s turn to leave his mark on me.
He bit me on the exact same spot on my neck. The mating bond rose between us, silvery threads that tethered his life line to mine.
“It’s done,” I said, smiling. “I hope you don’t regret this.”
Tommy smiled back. “I won’t.”
I knocked on Spike's bedroom door, the sound muffled by the solid wood.
A low curse emanated from within, followed by the shuffling of feet. I exchanged a glance with Tommy, who stood beside me in the hallway.
This was the moment. The final opportunity for Tommy to rethink his decision. The morning had started on a positive note for me.