Page 129 of Master of My Heart
“I don’t understand,” she whispered.
Theo’s eyes instantly grew even softer. “Oh, Daughter, what did Khyan do to you?”
His words, what he called her, struck her heart and she didn’t understand why.
He walked over, slowly, his hands extended, palms facing toward her. “I promise, I will not hurt you. I want to make sure you are healed and then we will talk. Is that acceptable?”
She nodded, not totally convinced, but what else could she do?
Chase watched as Theo knelt in front of Sabrina. She shivered, although her face was slowly regaining the color it had lost when Theo walked in. Chase had no idea who Khyan was, but the way Theo had reacted, he assumed he was an Immortal.
Chase, of course, had heard of evil Immortals, but had never met one, or even heard of one being around. Not that Theo opened up about what went on in the Immortal realms. He knew Theo pretty well, or at least as well as any Elder-Son could know an Immortal, and he’d met the other Immortals, Samad and Atanas, who watched over his country, but didn’t have any sort of relationship with them. Theo wouldn’t hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it, but Chase also knew the Immortal was perfectly capable of destroying a human with minimal effort. They were powerful, enigmatic beings humans didn’t have any chance of fully understanding. Shortly after he’d met Theo, he’d stopped trying.
“I am going to place my hand on your head and search your body for injury,” the Immortal said in a gentle voice. He waited for Sabrina to nod before slowly extending his hand toward her and resting it on top of her head. Their eyes closed simultaneously and an Immortal energy soon filled the room. Sabrina relaxed into Chase’s arms and sighed as the bruises on her cheeks and legs disappeared. It was a strange sight to see the Immortal healing process, but he was thankful for it. He hated that Sabrina was still in pain, even after sleeping for an entire day.
When Theo removed his hand, she opened her eyes. “Thank you,” she said, her eyes full of wonder and confusion.
Theo smiled back at her. “It is my pleasure, Daughter.” He studied her eyes for a long moment. Sabrina stiffened slightly. Chase knew he was searching her mind, but didn’t know if Sabrina knew what was happening. She began to tremble again, and Theo stopped. “I know you have many questions.” He stood and extended his hand, helping her to her feet. “If you are willing, please come and speak with myself and Richard.” He glanced at Chase and held out his hand to him. “And Chase, of course.” He pulled Chase up as if he weighed nothing.
“Sabrina, do you want to get dressed first?” Chase asked as she started following Theo out of the room. His t-shirt she wore covered everything, but damn if she didn’t look sexy in it. He really didn’t want her wandering around in just a shirt with the men out in the living room. They’d never hurt her, but he didn’t like the idea of them lusting after the woman he wanted to marry.
She looked back at Chase. “Can I?”
“Of course. I had Jayson bring you some clothes.”
“Is there somewhere I can take a shower?” She made a face as she looked down at herself. He and Ethan had cleaned her up as best they could when they got back, but she had whimpered with each touch, so she was still covered with blood in a lot of places.
Chase nodded and led her across the room to a door. “The bathroom is through here. Everything you need should be in there. Come on out when you’re done. I’ll make sure Mrs. Porter has something for you to eat, too.”
“Mrs. Porter?”
“My housekeeper.”
Her eyes widened. “Oh.”
“When you go out the bedroom door, go left and follow the hallway to the living room. We’ll wait for you there.” He smiled and kissed her temple, then he and Theo left, closing the door softly behind them.
“Is she okay?” he asked as they walked down the hallway.
“Yes. Her mind is sound and body healed. She is very confused, but open and honest communication will solve that.” Theo tilted his head. “Do not worry, my friend. All will be well.”
Chase scoffed. “You said her being here was an ill omen. How can you now say that everything will be fine?”
“Her heart is open to you. You are well on your way to winning her heart. Be the man I know you are and she will learn to trust you.”
“By the end of the year? I have only a few months left before I have to get married. If she can’t learn to trust me—”
“Chase, though the events of the past few days have been terrible, good has come from them. She believes in you. You have now rescued her twice. That speaks to her heart more than any number of flowers or poems ever could. She feels safe around you. That is what she desires more than anything. To be safe. And to be accepted.”
“Accepted? Why wouldn’t I accept her?”
“She has many wounds in her spirit. She believes many things that are untrue. You must expose and heal those wounds if she is to fully accept who she is and, as a result, be able to accept you.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
Theo smiled. “You will understand when it is time. I must speak to someone briefly. I will return soon.”