Page 12 of Master of My Life
Do I want to be sexy?
Part of her did. Part of her didn’t.
“Sabrina, you ready?” Ethan called from the hallway.
“Does it matter?” Sabrina asked, her voice higher than normal.
He chuckled. “Can I come in?”
The door opened and she turned.
Ethan’s gaze traveled down her body and he raised his eyebrows. “Holy shit,” he murmured.
“Do I look that bad?” She bit her lip.
“You look amazing!”
“Really?” Sabrina asked, bewildered at the lustful glimmer in his eyes. He was always so calm,
so professional, but now he stared at her, eyes wide and mouth drooping open.
“Uh, yeah.” He wagged his eyebrows. “I knew you were a sexy woman, but damn!”
Sabrina’s cheeks burned, and he laughed.
“And that’s what makes it even more appealing.” His face softened into a warm smile.
“What are you talking about?”
“Your complete innocence about it.”
She looked down at the ground and picked at her fingernails. “What if I black out and hurt
someone?” she whispered.
“Oh, Sabrina.” Ethan walked over and hugged her. “Richard won’t let that happen.” Before she
could respond, someone knocked on the apartment door. “You’ll be fine.” He left the room.
Sabrina turned back to the mirror and adjusted her dress, trying to cover up more of the exposed
skin, but it was low cut and had a high slit on the side. Enjoy yourself. Don’t black out. Everything
will be okay.
Chase knocked on the door of Sabrina’s apartment and shifted on his feet as he ran his thumbs over
the flat, velvet-covered box in his hands. He inhaled deeply several times, attempting to rid his
stomach of the killer bees that had nested in there. He and Sabrina hadn’t talked much about tonight
since she’d agreed to go. He’d tried a few times, but she turned pale whenever he brought it up.
What if she decided she enjoyed being part of The Brotherhood? What if she decided to become
Richard’s Elder-Mistress? The bees grew more aggressive.