Page 25 of Master of My Life
His words set fiery lust aflame deep inside. She wanted him now. She wanted to kneel before him
and suck his cock until he came in her mouth. “Yes, Master,” she whispered, squeezing her legs
Addie tilted her head. “Are you all right, my lord?”
He nodded and hoped she would keep her distance for the moment. He didn’t want to hurt her
feelings by rejecting her, but for Sabrina’s sake, he’d stay as celibate as he could.
“Is she okay?” Jim asked.
He looked back over to where Richard stood, blocking Sabrina from view. Did he trust Richard
enough to help Sabrina and not hurt her? He and Richard had many discussions over the last few
weeks about her and Chase knew Richard wanted her to be happy.
Yes, Chase trusted Richard.
A few minutes later, Richard moved aside and Chase could see Sabrina’s expression had been
transformed. Her eyes had darkened, and she sat tall on the stool, looking around the room. Chase
shivered as her gaze stopped on him. She gave him a sultry smile and his heart skipped a beat.
“Holy fuck,” Malcolm murmured. “Is it me, or did she get fucking sexier than she was a few
minutes ago?”
The three men stared as Sabrina slowly took possession of the room. Her energy filled the space.
More than one man looked up and found himself lost in her presence.
The power of an Elder-Mistress. Chase swallowed, torn between pride and fear. He could see
she felt her power and while it thrilled him to see her fully accept what she was, it also scared him to
Jim’s wife appeared at his side. “Who is that?” Tanya asked, awe in her voice.
“That is Chase’s girlfriend,” Jim answered, shaking his head.
“Damn, I’ve never been much into women . . .” Tanya giggled.
Jim laughed and wrapped his arm around her waist, kissing her neck. “I’d love to watch.”
Tanya rolled her eyes at Chase. “These two have been trying to get me to let them bring another
woman in with us for years.”
Malcolm pulled Tanya into his arms. “I’d love to taste another woman’s pussy on your mouth,” he