Page 28 of Master of My Life
how could Chase possibly understand that? She didn’t understand it herself. She looked up at
Richard, pleading with her eyes that he’d understand. Somehow. “I forgot.”
Richard’s brows knit together. “You forgot?”
She bit her lip. “The night we met, Damian told me he was in a similar situation as I was with
Aiden. Maybe I forgot because of that?”
Richard’s eyes narrowed, and he jutted his jaw out to the side. She couldn’t figure out what he
was thinking, though. Somehow, he blocked his emotions from her.
Sabrina hung her head again as she felt Chase watching her. She didn’t want to see his anger.
Feeling it was bad enough. Why didn’t I tell him about Damian?
“How did he hurt you?” Richard asked.
“He hurt you?” Chase exclaimed softly. “Sabrina, why didn’t you tell me?”
Sabrina closed her eyes. “I didn’t keep it from you on purpose.” She looked up and saw the hurt
in Chase’s eyes. “I just . . . forgot.”
Chase sighed and Richard put his hand on Chase’s arm. “Listen before you judge, Chase.” He
looked back at Sabrina. “Tell us what happened.”
Sabrina stared at the ground. “That night, when you came back,” she glanced up at Chase,
“Damian was there too. Aiden told me I couldn’t let Damian know if I didn’t like anything they did.
Or he’d . . .” She swallowed. “He’d burn me.” She squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. “It
was mostly Aiden that hurt me, but I couldn’t tell Damian I didn’t like it. I had to pretend.” She
looked between the two men and chewed her lip. “I’m sorry,” she added in a whisper.
Richard looked as thoughtful as he had earlier. Chase looked conflicted.
“I will make sure he knows that sort of thing is inappropriate here,” Richard said in a firm voice.
He looked behind Sabrina. “Speaking of . . .” He nodded toward the entryway. “He’s here. I’ll go talk
to him.”
Chase stared down at Sabrina’s pale face, his heart breaking. He knew she was telling the truth about
Damian, but it concerned him she’d forgotten at all. Did the same person who had controlled Aiden
control Damian now that Aiden was dead?
Considering Damian was part of The Brotherhood, no matter how distant, the idea of him being
under someone’s control was disturbing. If it were true, all the Brothers were vulnerable. Granted,
Damian didn’t have a direct Elder, and his group, led by Damian’s father, was an odd bunch.