Page 5 of Master of My Life
Sabrina had told him Richard took away her desires when she’d been at the Manor. Had the Elder
had done more than a momentary suppression? Or was she too busy to think about it? Nutcracker
opened in less than two weeks and rehearsals ran late every evening. Although her eyes constantly
sparkled with her love of dancing, he could see she was exhausted.
Chase led her over to the couch. “Are you doing okay?”
Sabrina lowered herself gently onto the couch and stared at the woven rug beneath the coffee table.
No, she wasn’t doing okay. Every day she struggled to concentrate on her dancing and not let her
mind wander to sexual fantasies. Each day was harder than the last. Her Master tempted her in her
dreams to go to him, to be fulfilled by him.
Chase cupped her chin, gazing at her with soft gray eyes. “I can see you’re struggling.” She jerked
her head away, but he drew her into his arms. “It’s okay that you are. You can admit it.”
“I don’t want to be struggling.”
Chase kissed the top of her head. “I know. But denying it won’t help things get better.”
Sabrina closed her eyes. What other option was there?
“You know what would help.”
She clenched her jaw. The Gathering. “Why do you keep bringing that up?” She leaped to her feet
and stalked to the other side of the room where she spun around and crossed her arms. “I don’t want
to go to that thing. I know what I want.”
Chase stood and was in front of her with a few long strides. “You don’t know. You don’t know
what you’re giving up.” He tried to pull her close again, but she twisted away.
“How do you know what I know and don’t know?” she snapped. “Theo said I didn’t need to have
danced at all the ballet companies in the world to know I like being in Boston.”
Chase knit his brows together and squinted. “What?”
“He said I don’t have to sample all the choices out there to know I’m happy where I am.” She’d
thought about that conversation she had with Theo in the Manor several times over the last month,
usually when Chase brought up the Gathering. “Theo said marrying you was a good decision. Why do
I have to go to a Gathering to confirm what I already know?”
“Because marrying me and becoming an Elder-Mistress are two very different choices for you.
Both good.” He ran his hands through his dark hair. “I don’t want you to regret marrying me
when . . .” He sighed. “You need to know what you’re giving up,” he added in a soft voice.