Page 85 of Master of My Life
He grinned, bigger than she’d ever seen, and his eyes watered as he took her left hand and slid the
ring onto her finger. The diamond sparkled in the light and she stared at it for a long moment. Am I
My dreams are never this happy. Only real life, with Chase, was ever this happy. She lunged
toward him and wrapped her arms around his neck as people around them applauded and cheered. He
stood, picking her up as he did, and kissed her soundly.
When he pulled away, a crowd enveloped them. Handshakes, hugs, and heartfelt congratulations
overwhelmed her for the next several minutes.
Grace hugged her hard. “I’m so happy for you and Chase,” she whispered in her ear and then
leaned back and beamed at her. Sabrina’s heart warmed, realizing that she was going to have a mom
She hugged Grace again. “Thank you for raising an amazing son.”
Damian stalked out of the opera house and waved his hand for a taxi. He pulled his coat close
against the frigid wind and blew out a hot breath that crystallized in the cold air.
Damn. Fucking. Chase. Needs. To. Die.
There was nothing else to it. Chase and Sabrina were engaged. Things were moving too quickly.
He would give Sabrina one chance to save Chase. One.
A taxi pulled to the curb, and he got in. “Four Seasons,” he snapped and pulled out his phone.
“Sydney. It’s time. Are you ready for your first job?”
Sydney growled. “It’s the middle of the night.”
Damian narrowed his eyes. “Do we need to have another obedience lesson?”
He smiled. Her feisty attitude was so much fun to subdue.
“What do you want me to do?”
“Go by my house and Neil will give you what you need. I’ll text you the address where it’s to be
done. It’s in Boston. I want it completed by dawn.”
“Boston?” She paused. “I’ll have to fly. I can’t make it there in time otherwise.”
“I don’t care.”