Page 89 of Master of My Life
She buried her face in his chest, wondering how she was going to make it for another two months
without sex. She was a string pulled too tight. If only she could touch herself . . . But after the shower
incident, the idea terrified her. She closed her eyes, trying not to think about sex.
Chase held Sabrina tightly, wondering what he should do. He didn’t want to leave her like this, but he
was having a hard time suppressing his own desires. Not to mention it was almost three in the
morning. Maybe he should ask Ethan to help her. It had been a week since the Gathering and she was
already struggling. How would she make it for the next two months?
“I love you,” he said softly. When she didn’t respond, he looked down to find her sound asleep
next to him. He laughed and picked her up and carried her to her bed.
Once he’d covered her up, he closed her bedroom door behind him and knocked on Ethan’s open
door. “She fell asleep. I’m heading home.”
Ethan had changed into a pair of sweats and lounged on his bed watching television. “She had a
busy day.”
“That she did.”
Ethan swung his legs around and sat up. “Did you happen to see Damian’s face after you asked
Sabrina to marry you?”
Chase shook his head. How could he have? “Why?”
“He didn’t look happy. He was trying to hide it, but there was fire in his eyes.” Ethan shrugged. “I
don’t exactly know what it means. Maybe he was just jealous. I know he likes Sabrina. But . . .” He
let out a breath. “Something about it made my gut churn.”
Chase nodded and chewed his lip. He trusted Ethan’s gut as much as his own. “Thanks for letting
me know. I’m not sure what to do with that right now.”
“Me either. Wanted to make sure you knew. Maybe he’s just jealous you stole her away from
“Yeah,” Chase said slowly. “I don’t like the guy.”
“Me either.”
She opened her eyes. A shadow of a man stood over her. She wasn’t in her room
anymore. She was in The Place. The Place where he could get to her.