Page 95 of Master of My Life
safe. If he was still alive . . .
The image of him lying in the flames, eyes closed, flesh burning . . . “Chase!” she screamed.
Ethan grabbed her around the waist as she lunged forward. “No, Sabrina!” He held her tightly.
She pushed his hands away, kicking back at his feet. “I’m Immortal. I can do something!”
“It won’t—” A loud explosion rocked the ground.
Sabrina screamed and fell to her knees as debris flew into the air. Ethan curved his body over her
as debris flew through the air. A small piece of limestone landed a few feet away and Sabrina
jumped. Ethan’s grip on her tightened and she shrunk beneath his large, protective frame.
The air grew silent, except for the crackling fire. They both looked up.
“Fuck,” Ethan said in a low voice.
The dread in his tone made Sabrina’s body turn numb. “Ethan, please . . .” she whimpered, staring
up. “Please tell me he’s alive.”
Sabrina turned to look at Ethan, but all she could see was the reflection of the flames in his eyes.
She slumped against him and he held her tight. She buried her face in his chest and felt him trembling.
Chase’s tall frame and familiar face. The flashing lights from the firetrucks and police cars turned
everyone’s face black and red and the cast shadows made it nearly impossible to differentiate
between people. Everyone had jumped back and behind vehicles when the building exploded but they
were cautiously moving closer again.
Paramedics were treating a police officer with a head wound in the back of an ambulance. A
woman with a small child in her arms huddled near a police car, her face streaked with tears and soot
as she stared up at the burning building. Sabrina recognized her as one of Chase’s downstairs
Sabrina clung to Ethan, tears streaming down her cheeks. She wanted to scream and fall to her
knees and pull her hair out and vomit all at once. She and Chase had waited so long to be together and
now they’d never be.
Shouts caught her attention, and she twisted in Ethan’s arms. Two firefighters emerged from
around the side of the building half-carrying a large man between them. His face was black with
smoke and he was coughing terribly. His bare chest was streaked with soot and his hair stuck up at