Page 97 of Master of My Life
Chase waited impatiently with the oxygen mask on his face while the medics cleaned his wounds. He
would have torn it off, but the clean air soothed his burning lungs. Fortunately, the cuts and burns
weren’t deep, though the one on his side hurt like hell. He could see the worry in Sabrina’s eyes as
she stood nearby, quietly watching. He wanted to pull her into his arms, but when he tried, the older
medic frowned and shook his head.
“You’ll be able to have your girl in your arms soon enough, son. You don’t want these things to get
infected, do you?”
Chase shook his head and tried to give Sabrina a reassuring look before he closed his eyes as the
medics continued their work.
Chase shuddered, remembering the wicked voice in his ear and the evil glare of the shadow in the
fire. How was it possible? What sort of power did someone have to become fire itself?
A familiar voice called out his name, and he opened his eyes and saw his mother and Richard
hurrying to him. Ethan, Casey, and Kathy were right behind them. Grace’s eyes were wide with fear
and Richard’s weren’t much different. Richard wrapped his arm around Grace to stop her from
lunging at her son.
“Chase, oh, Chase!” Grace exclaimed, looking him over with worried eyes. “Are you all right?”
Chase nodded, feeling helpless to explain what happened.
The others watched as he was patched up. Chase felt awkward with everyone staring at him and
unable to speak.
“You don’t need stitches with that side wound,” the medic said. “But there’s something definitely
infected there. Do you want us to take you to the hospital?”
Chase shook his head and took off the mask, receiving a disapproving look from the medic, but he
was done sitting silently. “It’ll be okay. I’ll keep an eye on it and go to the doctor if it gets any
The medic looked around at the others surrounding him. “I’m sure you won’t be left alone.” He
gave a respectful nod to Richard, then walked to the front of the truck. Sabrina and his mother
immediately rushed to him and hugged him hard. He winced at the pain in his side but didn’t let go of
either of them. He was too thankful to be with them again to care about the pain.
Sabrina leaned away and studied his face. “You have an infection,” she said softly and looked
back at Richard. “Something’s not right.” She put her hand on his side and yanked it away as if it had