Page 22 of You Complicate Me
Brad’s gaze traveled up and down over Nick, then he smirked. “She’s with you.”
Disbelief positively dripped from his tone, and the way he said you was just insulting. As if there was no way a guy like Nick would be with a woman like her. Like he was totally out of her league, or something. And the fact that Grace thought he might be a tiny bit right just pissed her off even more.
“That’s right,” Nick said, supremely confident in a way only insanely attractive people could pull off.
“Really?” Sadie squealed. “That’s great! Oh my God, Nick, you’re going to love being a part of this family!”
Well, at least Sadie didn’t think Nick was too good-looking for her. She practically had them married off. Brad, on the other hand, still looked skeptical.
“This is awfully…sudden, isn’t it?” he asked.
Nick’s breath brushed across her neck as he curved his body around hers and looked down at her, raising goosebumps all over her flesh. And she really meant all over. In fact, Grace had goosebumps in places she didn’t even know she could get goosebumps.
“Well, Brett—”
“It’s Brad.”
“—when I see something I want, I don’t believe in taking it slow.”
Nick shifted slightly, placing his hands on her shoulders, and his long, lean fingers splayed over her collarbones. One good deep breath and his fingertips would be on her nipples. Grace leaned back against Nick as she got a little lightheaded at the thought.
Sadie grinned up at Nick, then glanced over at Brad and asked, “So, I guess you’ll be going home?”
Brad glared at Nick a moment longer before shifting his attention to Sadie. “Absolutely not. This changes nothing. He is utterly irrelevant. This is between me and my wife.”
“Ex-wife,” Nick and Grace said in stereo.
“A technicality,” Brad conceded.
“A legality, in fact,” Grace muttered. “We both signed the papers.”
Everyone ignored her, of course.
“I don’t intend to make things easy for you, pal,” Nick said, his voice brimming with false congeniality.
Brad’s answering smile was far more feral than any Grace had ever seen on him. His voice was pure steel as he said, “I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have no doubt the better man will win.”
Good grief, Grace thought. If this goes on any longer, they’re likely to whip out their dicks and pee on me right here in the lobby to mark me as their territory.
That thought and accompanying visual—ew, gross!—snapped her back to reality.
Grace turned around and looped her arm through Nick’s. “We’re done here. Let’s go,” she said, dragging him toward the elevator. “Sadie, it was a pleasure meeting you. We’ll see you at dinner.”
Sadie grinned and waved, then turned to Brad and shrugged. “Sorry,” she said, sounding sincere. “My brother’s a great guy. You probably don’t stand a chance. You’re welcome to stay for dinner, though.”
“Later, Bart,” Nick called out over his shoulder as Grace hit the button and shoved him in the elevator.
Chapter Eleven
Grace waited until the elevator doors shut before planting her fists on Nick’s chest and shoving hard. It wasn’t good for her self-esteem that he barely budged.
Note to self: start strength training program immediately.
“What the hell was that about?” she screeched, dismayed that her voice was a full octave higher than usual. She was sure the shrill sound had dogs all over the state cocking their heads in confusion.
He shoved both hands through his hair, then threw them up in frustration. “Fuck if I know. I just couldn’t stand the thought of him putting his hands on you.”
She turned her own hands palms-up in the universal what-the-hell gesture. “I was married to the guy, Nick. He’s had his hands all over me before.” Albeit not very often, and not usually in a mutually satisfying kind of way. But that was hardly the point.