Page 54 of Semi-Fallen
Two seconds later, Roan ripped open a rift and yanked Haven unceremoniously through it.
Riddick shot Carl a sharp look. “Well? You just gonna stand there with your dick in your hand all day, or are you going after her?”
Like a prisoner headed for death row, Carl sighed and disappeared in search of his new charge.
When they were all gone, Harper said, “I really wish Roan would just talk about his feelings like a grown-up instead of stalking and kidnapping all the time.”
Benny shook his head. “Kids. So fucking immature.”
Raphael’s nose scrunched up in disgust. “I grow weary of this dimension and everyone in it. Shall we leave, brother?”
“Indeed,” Michael answered. “Remember, Rion, if you kill this Nephilim, or any other, you’ll be Lucifer’s new pet. So, I suggest you take some time to go far, far away from this place and think about what you’ve done.”
And then they were alone. With an archangel they’d just made a fool of. An archangel who was practically vibrating with rage. An archangel with enough power to level an entire city block.
Lane really wished everyone would quit shoving her behind them.
First, Lucien shoved her behind him to face off with the furious archangel who could destroy him. Then, her parents shoved her behind them.
Did no one remember she could make people’s heads explode simply by speaking?
Not that she could make Rion’s head explode. But she wasn’t the damsel in distress everyone seemed to think she was, either.
Discreetly sidestepping everyone who was so eager to die on her behalf, Lane took her place at Lucien’s side.
“Back down, Rion,” he hissed.
“You don’t tell me what to do, soldier,” Rion hissed right back.
Harper stepped up, hands raised in supplication. “Look, there’s no reason for this to get ugly. We don’t mean you any harm.”
The archangel threw his head back and laughed. “You think I’m threatened by any of you? I could destroy you all without breaking a sweat.”
“But you won’t,” Lucien said. “Because you can’t defy your brothers. They’re stronger than you and you know it.”
The smile that pulled Rion’s lips up at the corners was the most chilling thing Lane had ever seen. “Oh, see, that’s where this really gets interesting, because I don’t have to defy my brothers. I can’t kill her. I never made any promises about the rest of you.”
Before he could so much as lift a finger, two knives and a crossbow bolt struck Rion in the chest, right where his black heart should be. (Lane still questioned if the bastard had one.)
All eyes turned to Seven and Benny, who’d thrown the knives, and Nikolai, who’d shot the crossbow. Seven shrugged. “It seemed like diplomacy was no longer an option.”
“Diplomacy was never an option with this guy,” Benny muttered.
“Did you really think knives and crossbows were going to work?” Harper hissed.
Nikolai shrugged this time. “Can’t hurt to try.”
Rion glanced down at the projectiles sticking out of his chest for a moment, nonplussed, before glaring at Lucien. “I’m going to enjoy this.”
And with that, he unfurled his black-as-midnight wings.
Lucien did the same. “Not if I have anything to say about it.”