Page 27 of Madness of Two
Itap my foot against my desk and cross my arms. Frustration mounts with every passing moment, and I can’t take it anymore. It’s been over a week, and I still can’t find inspiration for this article. Meanwhile, David balances a pen on his upper lip, his fingers flying across the keyboard. Must be nice, I think bitterly.
I let out an exasperated sigh and massage my temples. Despite visiting my Little Finch the other night and bringing her pleasure to the point of drenching herself, I’ve been in a bad mood. I have found no solid leads on her stalker yet. And since the police refuse to take Gwen seriously, I have to step up my game. At least I won’t have to worry about the blue shirts snooping around anytime soon.
I prop my elbows on the desk and rest my chin in my hands, letting out another stream of air. I consider getting up and taking a break, but that would be admitting defeat. If I don’t finish this article soon, my reputation will suffer. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I realize I’ve been spinning my wheels on the same paragraph for the past hour. Ugh.
“Need any help?” David asks, rolling his chair over. “A new perspective for a new angle, perhaps?”
I feign a friendly smile as irritation gnaws at me. “Sure. What do you have in mind?”
He leans in, peering at the monitor, his eyes skimming the text. He takes his pen out, placing it between his lips. I resist the urge to rip it out of his mouth and stab it in his eye as he chews on it. I know he means well, but the sound of teeth grinding on plastic drives me nuts.
“I think you should focus on how this issue is affecting people in our community,” he says after a minute. “You could interview those who have been directly impacted. It’d give your story an emotional angle. Help you make it more relatable to readers.”
I take a moment to consider his suggestion. I have to admit that it’s an interesting take, one that William will probably love. “That’s a great idea,” I say with a grateful smile. “Thanks for the advice.”
He grins. “Don’t mention it. Anytime you need a hand, I’m here.” He wheels his chair back to his desk.
I nod. “Appreciate it.”
Maybe I’ve underestimated David’s abilities. He has a deep capacity for empathy, something I lack on a deeper level. At least I can get inside people’s heads and use that to my advantage. It’s come in handy more times than I can count. Sitting back in my chair, I shift my gaze to the monitor.
As I’m mulling over how to implement David’s suggestion, William enters the room with a stack of files. He greets us with a smile, then places the stack on David’s desk. “Ah, Blake. Just the man I need to see. How’s everything?”
I give him a tight smile. “Everything’s been going great. Just discussing a few ideas with David here. His insight is invaluable.”
“I agree,” William remarks, turning to David. “You always seem to come up with the most creative solutions.”
David smiles bashfully and shrugs his shoulders modestly in response. “I try my best.”
William laughs. “Well, keep up the good work! To be honest, the two of you make a great team. Which reminds me …” He gestures to us both. “Maybe it’s time you both do some field work together.”
David’s gaze slides to William, drawing his attention from the files he’s currently sorting. “Oh, really?”
“What do you have in mind?” I ask, forcing a placid veneer. I don’t work well with others. Never have, never will. People are nothing but liabilities. And I am only willing to make an exception forone.
Our boss smiles. “I’d like you guys to cover the upcoming Fright Night Festival later this month, along with Colton.”
David’s eyes light up. “I’m totally in,” he says eagerly. “What about you, Blake?”
I know I can’t argue with William; once he’s made up his mind, it’s like talking to a brick wall. So reluctantly, I nod, already bracing myself for what lies ahead. “I’ll do it.”
“Excellent!” William says, clapping his hands together. “I have faith in you both. But don’t let me down. This story needs to be a hit.”
I glance over at David, noticing the excitement that bubbles just below the surface in the way he bounces his leg. “We won’t disappoint you, sir,” I state seriously.
“I know you two will come up with something great.” He starts to make his way out of the room when he abruptly stops and glimpses me over his shoulder. “Remember, Blake. I need that article on my desk by tomorrow morning.” He then throws me a smile and disappears into his office with a wave.
David and I exchange glances before I stand up from my desk. “I don’t know about you, but I need some fresh air,” I say, grabbing my coat and heading to the exit before he can ask too many questions. Because frankly, I’m not in the mood right now.
I leave the office and go for a walk, hoping the crisp air will help clear my head. The long hours I’ve been putting in lately are taking their toll. The lack of leads is infuriating. Who is the son of a bitch threatening my Little Finch? He’s bound to slip up. All I need is a clue, a tiny nugget, and things will fall into place. They always do.
I round the corner—and there she is. Dressed in black and sitting on a bench near Tetra Brew, a cigarette dangling from her lips. She sits alone, her eyes cast downwards, lost in deep thought. I pause for a moment and watch her, wondering what she’s thinking.
Maybe about my cock grinding against her ass as I held her down? My fingers in her pussy, reaching her darkest depths—depths no one else could reach? Oh, how her body trembled when I tugged her violently to the edge. I feel myself harden uncomfortably as I replay the memory of her screaming as she came all over, soaking her uniform and the floor.
Fuck, I want her—no, I need her.
As if sensing me thinking about her, she looks up in surprise before quickly recovering. I try to ignore the torturous feeling in my pants as I walk casually toward her. She takes a drag from her cig as I approach, unable to disguise the wariness in her eyes.