Page 30 of Madness of Two
He stops and turns to look at me, his lips parting in surprise like he didn’t expect me to be here. “Oh, hey. It’s been a bit.” He shifts his weight from one foot to the other and looks away again, as if he doesn’t quite know what else to say.
“It has, hasn’t it?” I try to keep my expression unreadable, but somehow, his words still sting. “Can we talk?”
He looks at me again, pausing for a few seconds before nodding slowly in agreement. My heart leaps; maybe he’s open to listening after all. Jen looks at us with a knowing smile but says nothing as I motion for Blake to follow me into the break room. Once inside, I shut the door, giving us some privacy. We sit and he looks at me expectantly.
Words spill out of me like a faucet. “I know things have been weird between us lately, and that’s why I wanted to talk. I want to apologize and clear the air.” He remains silent, and I take it as a sign to continue. “I know I hurt you the other day. And all the times I blew you off. Hurting you is the last thing I want to do. I’m sorry for being such an asshole. Maybe we can start fresh?” I quickly add, “If you’re willing to, that is.”
My mouth goes dry, my pulse quickening as he takes my hands in his. “I’m sorry, too. I haven’t been much better, have I?” he says, chuckling softly.
Never since the night of the vandalism have I experienced such a genuine sense of connection with him.
“I mean it, though,” I say. “I’ve been a total idiot.”
“No, no.” He looks me in the eye and gives my hands a gentle squeeze. “It wasn’t just you. I should have been more understanding when you were going through a tough time. We both made mistakes and acted foolishly. Honestly, I should’ve talked to you sooner about this.” Leaning closer, he presses his face against my cheek. “I promise to make it up to you.”
I feel like my insides are vibrating, and I swallow hard at the implication. “That sounds like a great idea.”
Warmth spreads in my gut as he presses his lips against my skin. “What do you say we meet up after work? Just you and me, at the park.”
“I’d like that,” I reply, my toes curling in my shoes.
He stands, coaxing me upward, and then pulls me into an embrace before I can ask what he’s doing. I hug him back tightly, neither of us letting go. Relief washes over me—and something else.
As we stroll through the park, we chat and marvel at the beauty of our surroundings. The trees stand in silhouette against the orange sky, painted by the setting sun, and the lush green leaves have slowly turned into golden and red hues for autumn.
When we round a curve in the path, I tug on Blake’s arm and point to the pond. “Wanna sit and watch the ducks?”
“Sure, why not?” he answers, leading me by the hand toward the bench near the edge of the water.
We sit and take in the lovely scene. I remember when my father used to take me to the pond as a kid. We’d sit there for hours, watching the ducks and their little ducklings. I can almost feel my dad’s hand in mine as we would throw seeds and oats out to them.
Blake wraps an arm around me as if sensing what I’m thinking about. “This is nice, isn’t it?” he comments.
I turn to look at him, his face bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun. Being here with him under this beautiful autumn sky makes me feel so content. “It really is,” I reply before leaning my head against his arm and closing my eyes for a moment. “I wish I had something to feed them.”
“What, like bread?”
I shake my head. “That’ll just make them fat and unable to escape predators. That’s what my dad always said.”
He laughs. “He sounds like a smart man. Maybe he can come here with us next time.”
I contemplate telling him the truth about my father—even if it’s just a small part. But I can’t compromise my anonymity. I trust Blake, but I’d rather leave the past behind. “I’d love that, but he’s not in my life anymore,” I say, shifting my gaze to the pond and silently praying that he won’t prod me for more details.
The sun has now dipped below the horizon. The only thing lighting our way are the tall lanterns strategically lining parts of the path and the moon, its glow softly reflecting on the pond. I can feel Blake’s arm around me tighten.
“It’s okay,” he says, his voice kind but serious. “He doesn’t need to be here for us to enjoy this beautiful sight.”
I nod and lean into his chest for comfort, my eyes falling closed again. But he glides away, breaking my moment of peace and serenity.
“Keep your eyes closed,” he orders, his eyes twinkling like diamonds in the moonlight.
I wonder vaguely what he’s up to. Before long, I receive my answer as he slips between my legs and yanks my pants down to my ankles. “What the fuck are you doing?” I yell-whisper, embarrassment surely coloring my cheeks red.
“Just trust me,” he breathes as he starts trailing kisses up my inner thigh.
I let out a little moan as his hands explore my body, starting with the sensitive skin of my stomach. I feel myself melting underneath his touch, desire coursing through me like a tide. My heart hammers with the thrill of getting caught. I peek open an eye to check for strangers, but Blake gently swats me.
“I told you to keep your eyes shut,” he scolds, burying his face between my thighs.