Page 49 of Madness of Two
Islam the drawer shut in a fit of anger.
The lonely contents inside rattle and shake. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to calm down. Slowly counting to ten, my breathing returns to normal and the anger fades. The last thing I need is to waste my time ruminating over the other night at the video store.
That asshole fucked me and denied my release. And to top it all off, he took all my toys. All I have left is a butt plug, a bottle of lube, and my fingers. It’s like he knows I have trouble getting off without something inside of me. Fucking prick. Rage creeps back up within me. But it’s not worth getting all worked up over; I have better things to do right now.
Namely, preparing for the fall festival tonight.
I tune the radio to the classic rock station and start getting ready. I refuse to let Damon ruin my night. A catchy song plays as I throw open the closet and search through the hangers until I find the pieces of my costume. I start to dress, slipping on the snug black skirt. After putting on the tie-front shirt and pairing it with my best push-up bra, it’s time to apply make-up and style my hair.
I’ve mastered the beehive hairstyle and can finish it in no time. I complement the look with large hoop earrings, crimson lipstick, and knee-high boots. The lace choker draws attention to my neckline. The only thing missing is the straight razor prop with fake blood, which is in my purse.
Surveying myself in the full-length mirror, I smile. I’m going to have a great time tonight, regardless of what happened earlier. I grab my purse and swing it over my shoulder, just as there’s a knock at the door. When I answer it, I come face to face with Jen, looking gorgeous in her gothic witch costume.
“Wow!” she remarks. “You look fantastic!”
“Thanks!” I say, grinning at the compliment. “You’re looking pretty stunning yourself.”
“Thank you.” Her crystal necklace glints against her chest; I’m glad she’s displaying her talent more proudly now. “Are you ready? Nick’s waiting for us. Wait ‘til you see his costume!”
Brow raised, I lock the door behind me and link arms with Jen. We descend the stairs and exit the building. Nick is sitting in his car with shocking blond hair, wearing a black jacket that shows off his athletic physique.
“Ready to go?” he asks, sticking his head out the window. “You look amazing, Mia.”
I hop in the backseat while Jen slides into the passenger side. “Looking sharp there, Campbell. What are you supposed to be?”
He smiles at me in the rearview mirror. “Billy Idol,” he replies, running a hand through his spiked hair. “I think I pulled it off, don’t you?”
“Oh, yeah. I see it now,” I say, remembering the album covers back at the music shop I used to work at.
After we strap in, Nick switches on the radio and puts the car in gear. The engine revs, and we’re off to the festival. As we speed away, we sing along to a bunch of 80s hits. Soon, I’m lost in the energy of it all and don’t notice when we pull into our destination, even though it’s a county away. Excitement bubbles up inside of me. This is going to be a night to remember!
People mill about, dressed in all sorts of costumes: zombies, superheroes, clowns, and more. Colorful lights illuminate the grounds. I can barely contain my laughter as I weave through the crowd, Jen and Nick in tow. We pay admission, get our stamps, and enter the festival officially.
Music blasts at full volume from the stage, where a local band plays. Nick takes Jen’s hand, and we wander through the festival grounds, taking it all in. There are food stands, carnival games, and even a petting zoo. I’m overwhelmed by the sheer size of it all. I keep an eye open for Blake, but he’s nowhere to be seen.
“Hey, why don’t we grab some food and then check out the costume contest?” Nick suggests.
“Sounds good,” I say, distracted.
“Do you think they’re still accepting people?” Jen asks as we head over to one of the food tents, to which Nick shrugs. “You should enter, Mia.”
I shake my head emphatically; the thought of standing up there and being judged by all those people makes me want to shudder. “No way.”
“Come on,” Jen insists. “You have a great costume!”
I bite my lip and look around the festival one more time—and feel a hand on my shoulder. I spin around, nearly sending the plate of food in his other hand flying as a man in a white ghost mask stares at me.
“Did I hear someone mention a costume contest?” Blake asks, pulling his mask off to the side of his head.
Nick grins. “We’re trying to convince Mia to join. If there’s still some spots open.”
“Well, it’s your lucky day,” Blake says, giving me a gentle, playful nudge as my heart races. “I was just talking to the people organizing the costume contest. They’re accepting last-minute entrants. I can show you where to sign up.”