Page 123 of The Sotíras
If she dies, I’ll die alongside her. Just to find life in her embrace again.
Is she going to make it?” I hear a low female voice somewhere in the distance as I cling to consciousness with all the strength I can muster. The urgency in her voice pierces through the fog.
My eyelids flutter, the fluorescent lights overhead harsh against my eyes.
A male responds. I try to focus on his words, but his voice is muted, distant, as if coming from the end of a long tunnel. “Bullet wound to the chest…fractured ribs…significant internal bleeding…” Holy fuck. How am I alive?
The words float in and out, and I strain to grasp their meaning, to make sense of it all.
“…Head trauma…concussion…potential memory loss…”
My heart skips a beat, panic clawing at the edges of my mind, threatening to consume me. How much of myself will I lose?
I swim in and out of focus. I just want to sleep so badly.
The woman’s voice reappears. I think it’s Mama. It sounds like she’s crying.
“My poor baby,” she sobs. Then, I hear another male voice. “She’ll be okay, Mama. She’s tough. You know this.” Dimo.
I try to open my eyes and reach out to them, but I can’t. Every breath is an effort, a sharp stab of pain radiating from where the bullet pierced my flesh.
Despite the agony, I cling to those voices.
As the doctor continues to drone on, my vision blurs and darkens. My eyelids feel heavy, as if weighed down by chains, and I struggle to stay awake. The throbbing in my head intensifies.
A wave of exhaustion washes over me, dragging me down. I try to fight it, but my grip slips, and I’m pulled under.
“How the fuck did this happen?”
The words buzz in my ears.
“We’ll push back the wedding…As soon as she’s recovered.”
I try to decipher the rest of the conversation, but it slips through my grasp like smoke.
My head is in so much pain. It’s pulsing throughout my entire body.
Doesn’t matter…still going through with it.”
The words strike me like a thunderbolt. My father...dead? The realization hits me with a force that steals the breath from my lungs. My baba is dead.
In my confusion, my body reacts, causing my heartbeat to skyrocket to dangerous levels.
The monitors around me blare, their shrill cries breaking the stillness that surrounds me. My muscles tense and spasm uncontrollably as my body convulses, each movement sending shards of pain through me.
“Get her sedated, now!”
“We need… heart rate down!”
Through the fog of my panic, I catch shadows of figures and flashing lights as they fight to wrestle me back from the brink of oblivion.