Page 42 of The Sotíras
When he stands back up, his stare locks onto mine. Squeezing my cheeks, he forces my lips apart and spits our combined juices into my mouth, his penetrating gaze consuming me. “Taste that, Riri baby?” Dion grabs my wrist, yanking me close. I gasp, my breath hitching as his grip tightens. “You need to understand something, Aria. You’re mine. No one else’s. And no one will take you away from me. Not even your fiancé.”
My heart races, thundering against my chest as I struggle to catch my breath. My body is fucking electrified after our chase. I feel so alive.
Aria turns around and closes her eyes, leaning against the tree for support, and trying to steady her trembling limbs.
“Here,” I say, helping her slip her jogging pants on, before buckling myself back up in my jeans.
She looks at me, and I gaze into her beautiful gray eyes, sparkling brighter than the moon and stars combined.
“What did you want to talk about?” she asks, a slight tremor in her voice. Her gaze darts around, suddenly nervous, avoiding direct eye contact. The conversation I had with Evan plays over in my mind—I need to find out if our plan has somehow been compromised.
I grab onto her hand and rub circles over her soft skin. Immediately, she relaxes with my touch.
“Did you tell anyone about us?”
“No,” she responds quickly.
“Not even Angelica?”
She shakes her head. “I trust her, but I don’t want to risk it. If this makes way to my baba, it’ll cause a huge issue.”
I nod in agreement. “Did your father ask you about that night?”
I remember when I offered to drive her home, she had initially refused, worried that she might be seen with me. At the time, my ego hadn’t allowed me to comprehend the implications. It might’ve been a smarter idea to drop her off at her best friend’s house.
“No. I’m sure he didn’t see us, but I can’t confirm if the guards told him. I’m assuming they didn’t think to notify him.”
I’d be surprised if his men didn’t tell him that his daughter was dropped off by a guy. Especially when she has no need to take a rideshare as she has a driver. Something’s not adding up.
“Why?” Aria asks, her gaze focused on me, searching for an answer.
I reach into my pocket and pull out the notes I received, handing them to her. She opens the pieces of paper and reads the messages.
Her eyes dart back up to me. “Oo theé mou. Are they talking about me?”
I nod. “I think so. My guess is that it’s your father trying to scare me away. Us being together poses a threat to whatever arrangement he has.”
She quiets, seemingly processing the information.
“I’m meeting my fiancé for the first time tomorrow. My baba will be there, too. I’ll try to pick up on anything.”
Jealousy grips me like a vise, an intense wave sweeping over me. The thought of her and her fiancé stirs something inside me. I drop Aria’s hand and clench my fist.
What the hell is happening to me? I should be pushing her away, keeping my distance.
I can’t let myself get too close. I can’t let myself fall. Because once you fall, there’s no going back. And I’m not ready for that. Not now. Not ever.
“Dion,” she says, faintly, reaching for my hand again, but the green-eyed monster has taken hold. It’s too late to stop my whirring mind.
What perplexes me most is why Aria has such a powerful effect on me. It’s a question I can’t answer, no matter how hard I try to rationalize it. All I know is that the potential of her being happy with someone else ignites a fire within me that I can’t extinguish.
“I have no choice,” she murmurs.
“I fucking know that, Aria,” I spit.
Her eyes widen at my outburst, flashing with anger, and I instantly regret taking out my fury on her.