Page 8 of The Sotíras
“Your fiancé, huh? And where is he now?” Dion taunts, raising a brow.
I take a quick glance around the space. We seem to be in an office. Behind me, there’s a desk and a chair. I slowly back away to reach the solid surface as though it’ll make me feel more protected.
Every nerve in my body is on high alert. “Uh, home. Waiting for me,” I finally reply.
“Is that so? Your fiancé let you go out without him?”
“My fiancé doesn’t let me do anything,” I snap, suddenly angry again. Great. Another man with archaic morals and values.
“That’s not what I meant,” he says, approaching me, his intense gaze never leaving mine. “If you were mine, I would never let you out of my sight, astéri mou.”
This time, the nickname catches me off guard, and warmth builds in the pit of my stomach. My little star. When he’d said it earlier on the dance floor, I was so disoriented by his arrival that it never sank in. I shake my head to dispel the thoughts.
“Well, thankfully, I’m not yours.”
Dion chuckles.
My butt reaches the desk, and I can no longer back away from him. He moves closer, forcing me to sit at the top to keep one last fraction of space between us. Bracing his hands on the table at each side of my body, he brings his nose to my ear. My muscles tense involuntarily, my breath coming in shallow gasps, as if my lungs refuse to fully inflate, fearing what might come next.
“I don’t see a ring, Aria.” My name rolls off his tongue like melted butter. Goosebumps erupt all over my body.
Mind racing, I try to find an excuse as to why I, in fact, do not have a ring on, but I can’t function with him this close to me.
“Hmmm, I think you’re a little liar,” he adds in a low murmur. “I’m not even sure this fiancé exists.”
A flicker of determination ignites within me. I refuse to succumb to his games. I steel myself, drawing upon every ounce of courage I possess. “Get away from me, Dion. I told you I won’t sleep with you.”
He lets out a mocking laugh and backs up. “That’s not why we’re here,” he says, as if the idea is ridiculous.
I give him a disdainful glance. “Sure. And snow falls in summer.”
Dion’s face contorts into a confused frown. “What?”
I cross my arms at my chest. “You’ve never heard of that expression?” He shakes his head.
I scoff. “When pigs fly. When fish climb trees. When chickens have teeth. Nothing?”
That annoying eyebrow lifts again. “Definitely not. I’m not weird.”
“Fuck off. You just live under a rock.”
“I’d rather live under a rock than be weird.”
I let out a snarl. “You’re infuriating!”
“So I’ve heard.” He shrugs.
He walks around me and sits on the chair; I swivel to not have my back to him. You can never be too safe. I don’t have a weapon on me, given they search your bags at the door, so I have nothing to defend myself with. This reminds me, I should learn self-defense.
Dion lifts his feet onto the desk and leans back, arms above his head. I roll my eyes. At this moment, he looks like a rich douche bag on his throne.
“If you don’t stop rolling your eyes at me, I’ll give you a reason to do so, little liar,” he threatens with a cheeky grin. I just want to slap it off.
“You’re honestly so annoying. I don’t know if I can handle being in here with you for another second without throwing something at you,” I say, looking around the room as I genuinely consider it.
Dion laughs. All he’s done since we met—not even an hour ago—has been smiling and laughing. I want to convince myself that it isn’t affecting me. But then, I’d actually be a little liar.
“When can I go home?” I ask, exasperated. “I need to check on Angelica.” And I need to put some space between us because you’re making me feel like a slut puppy. I don’t say that, obviously.