Page 21 of Carlos
“How did it go?” Jenna’s wide smile told Zoe that she’d seen Carlos’s goodnight kiss.
“It was wonderful,” Zoe practically swooned. She sat down in the chair cattycorner to the couch. “How was Kyle?”
“An angel,” Jenna said with no hesitation. “Come on, girl, spill. Tell us everything.”
Steel’s expression said he could care less how Zoe’s date had gone but he would indulge his wife’s prying. Zoe loved the way Steel looked at Jenna. Like his entire universe, his very being, revolved around her and her happiness.
Davis had never looked at her that way. There were times when he looked at her like she was lower than the grime on the bottom of his shoe.
“We had dinner and then he took me for a walk in the park,” Zoe said evasively. She wasn’t even sure she could explain it. Carlos had made no sexual advances on her and yet she’d never been on such an intimate date in her life.
She looked to Steel. “I want to tell Carlos. I need to. I won’t continue to see him unless he knows everything.”
From the understanding on Steel’s face, Zoe knew Jenna had told him everything. Or, maybe, Steel had already known.
“That’s a big step for only having been on one date,” he cautioned.
“And a very different tune than what you were singing this afternoon,” Jenna added.
Zoe was very aware of both facts. “I know. I just… I won’t live a lie. Carlos deserves to know everything. I won’t play games with him.” She licked her lips before adding, “I won’t let him develop feelings for me before he knows the risk of being with me.”
Jenna and Steel exchange a look. One that she’d seen many times before with her parents that told her a very close couple was having a silent conversation.
“I think that’s very good of you,” Jenna finally said. “I think it shows how much you care for him.”
Zoe felt her cheeks heat and she looked away. “I have to know my son is safe. Regardless of what happens with Carlos and me, I need you to swear to me that Kyle is safe with you.”
“Of course,” Jenna and Steel speak together. Then Jenna said, “But, honey, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Based on what I saw through the window, that boy’s already half in love with you.”
Thinking back on their date, Zoe feared he wasn’t the only one falling.
Carlos pulled through the club’s gate with a wave at Mitch, the prospect on duty. He didn’t know much about the older prospect and had to wonder why a man in his early sixties would want to prospect for a motorcycle club. Though their mother could drive, she didn’t often. Carlos picked Louisa up on his way so she could spend time with the grandkids. When Bulldog had texted him, he’d said to go to Steel’s house. After parking his cruiser in Bulldog’s driveway so his mom didn’t have to walk, Carlos headed over to Steel’s.
He wasn’t sure what he had been expecting, but to find Clara and Jenna in the living room with Bulldog, Steel, and Lucky was not it.
“What’s going on?”
Carlos had been walking on a cloud nine. Nothing could get him down this day. His date with Clara had been wonderful because she was wonderful. Fuck, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d ever felt like this. He wasn’t sure he ever had. Clara was special. He knew she was holding back from him details about her marriage. There were times when the topic could have been brought up, but neither of them did.
He should have known that his euphoric feeling wasn’t going to last.
The look on Clara’s face… If he didn’t know any better, Carlos would think someone had died. But he knew this was not the way his brother would tell him.
“Clara has a story to tell you,” Jenna told him softly. She patted Clara’s leg reassuringly. “We’ll be in the kitchen if you need us.”
The others started to walk out of the living room. Bulldog paused next to Carlos. “Remember the promise you made me. She’s putting her future, her son’s future, in your hands.”
Carlos nodded stiffly. He would listen to whatever Clara had to tell him. He had a feeling he knew or suspected a portion of it.
He walked into the living room. “Where’s Kyle?”
“With Abby and your mom at Bulldog’s.” Clara’s voice was so small. He could hear the fear in her tone—and hated it.
Carlos wasn’t sure if he should sit or stand. “What’s going on, Clara?”
She took a shaky breath and then patted the couch next to her where Jenna had been sitting. “I need to tell you how I ended up in Mount Grove. I can’t—I won’t start something with you without you knowing first. And,” her cheeks pinkened, “I really enjoyed our time together, Carlos. I… I want to continue seeing you.”