Page 13 of Ataraxia

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Page 13 of Ataraxia

I admired her "take no shit" attitude towards him. Most women would overlook his actions to please the customer, but not her. My interest in her continued to grow, and I couldn't help but want to get to know her more.

“Give us four Scooby Snacks and four Coors, sweetheart,” Dean ordered.

“Absolutely not. What are you? Sixteen? I’m not making you that shit.” She scoffed and turned abruptly, walking away from us. I couldn’t help but chuckle at how she handled Dean. I was impressed with her, to say the least. She returned with four shots that were a murky yellow color and our beers.

“Here, you’ll thank me later.” She pushed the four shots towards us, then popped the caps off the beers and set them behind the glasses.

Hesitantly, we looked at each other and then tipped back the shots. It was a strong shot that was sweet and had a peach aftertaste to it. Marcus let out a choking sound and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand; Derek chuckled at him, setting his empty glass down next to mine.

“What the hell was that?” Marcus took a pull from his beer as a chaser for his shot.

“A water moccasin. Enjoy your night, boys.” Giving a saccharine smile, she slapped her hand on the counter and winked at us before moving to help other patrons along the bar.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of her, and my gaze followed her back down the bar. Everything about her was perfect, and what I liked best was her attitude. I love a woman who takes charge, knows what she likes, and doesn’t give two fucks about what anyone else thinks. I knew I had to have her for myself. Marcus was still trying to pull himself together when a waitress standing beside us started laughing.

“Looks like she treated you boys to her favorite shot.” She set her tray down on the counter and placed a hand on her hip. She was dressed like the bartender and had long white blonde hair. She was undeniably beautiful, but my attention was still fixated on the bartender.

“That’s her favorite?” Marcus turned to her with an incredulous look.

She nodded and laughed again.

“That’s what I said. Take it as a sign that she likes you, even if you—” she gestured her head towards Dean. “annoyed her.” So, she overheard the entire conversation between Dean and the bartender. She must have been standing there longer than I initially thought. I wondered how close they were if she knew her favorite shot. Maybe I could gather some information that will help me get her attention.

“And what about you, babe? Do you like us?” Marcus gave her a grin and leaned on the bar facing her. Derek elbowed me, and I couldn’t help but shake my head with a smirk. These two were either seriously overdoing it tonight, or they were just complete womanizers. I could see why Derek wasn’t interested in hanging out with them. She laughed in response to his attempt at a pick-up line and picked up her tray of drinks.

“I don’t even know you, babe, but—” she clicked her tongue, looking him up and down. “Find me later, and we can see just how much I like you.” With a wink, she strolled across the floor to the stairs for the VIP Suites.

That shit actually worked?

Marcus’s gaze followed her ass as she sauntered up the stairs and disappeared into the crowd of the upper level.

“I’m getting myself a piece of that before the night is over.” He released a low whistle and turned back to us, grabbing his beer from the bar. I couldn’t help but look back at the bartender as I picked up my own beer, catching a last glimpse at her and then following the guys to the railing alongside the dance floor.

If I was getting anything tonight, it was going to be her.

I wasn’t about to let anyone else take her home.

The nightclub was hot and overly crowded, and the air conditioning couldn't keep up with the bodies in the building. After a few hours of drinking, catching up with Derek, and watching Marcus and Dean flirt with various women, I gestured to Derek, indicating that I was going outside to cool off. He gave me a nod, and I left the group.

Six months may not seem like a long time, but it was enough to give us plenty to talk about. Back in DC, we used to go out for drinks after work at least twice a week. It wasn't always to pick up women but to have a good time together. We were best friends, and we still are.

As I made my way around the dance floor, I noticed the emergency exit sign at the far back of the building. Just as I turned the corner, I accidentally bumped into the waitress Marcus was hitting on when we arrived.

“Fuck. I’m sorry.” I caught her elbow before she dropped her tray of empty glasses on the floor.

“All good; you wouldn’t be the first person to knock me over tonight.” She chuckled and straightened herself. I let go of her elbow once she was stable with her tray.

“Yeah, I can see how that would be common in a place as packed as this.” She flicked a couple of beads of alcohol off her dress that must have spilled on her when her tray tipped. Then, she looked up at me. She snapped her fingers as if an idea had clicked in her head and pointed at me.

“Hey, weren’t you the guy eye-fucking my friend at the bar earlier?”

“I—what?” Good to know they were friends, bad to know that my “eye-fucking” was that obvious, and she caught it. It made me wonder if the bartender also noticed or if she already told her about it. As long as she was interested in me as much as I was with her, I didn’t really care if she noticed or not.

“Oh, don’t play dumb with me. I saw you at the bar, and you couldn’t keep your eyes off of her.” Her tone was full of amusement, and she propped her tray on her shoulder to better support the weight while we talked.

“She’s attractive, I’m not going to lie about that, but I doubt she’d be interested in someone like me.” I shrug slightly, trying to act like it was no big deal. Women like her always saw me as the nice guy—the good guy. It made it hard to get the women I wanted because they were too busy looking for the bad boys that would bend them over and fuck them until they saw black.

I wanted a woman that was my equal, one that could own me as much as I could own her. I wanted someone worth chasing. The waitress’s eyes roved my body before she clicked her tongue and gave me a devilish smirk.

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