Page 25 of Ataraxia
“At this time, no. Everything we thought we had has led us to a dead end. We need to wait for them to make another move.” I frowned and bit my cheek.
Another move would result in another casualty, but they were adept at covering their tracks, leaving us with no leads. I hated losing, and this felt like a complete loss to me.
When we received the notification that directed us to the warehouse, I was hopeful that this would be the significant lead the CIA had been anticipating, allowing us to apprehend them finally. Unfortunately, my hopes were shattered upon our arrival.
Nothing found at that warehouse had helped us.
Not even Tyler’s body.
“Christ-almighty...” Conrad ground out. “You four, get back out there and see if you can dig anything else up. Maybe look a little deeper into this, Tyler Florentine. See if there is more to his story and why they might have targeted him last night.” Conrad dismissed us from his office, and we left the room.
I spent the rest of the morning going over the events of last night, trying to avoid thinking of Stella and the mind-blowing sex we had in that restroom. I didn’t expect her to be so promiscuous with me, but I wasn’t about to deny her what she so clearly wanted—what I wanted.
Fuck, she had me obsessing over her, and it hadn’t even been twenty-four hours since I had her last. I wanted that employee list from last night so I could look into her more. She definitely sparked a primal urge and need in me last night. I had never wanted a woman more in my entire life, and if I am being honest with myself, I have never felt as possessive over one, either.
Just the thought of her with another man had me chewing the inside of my cheek in frustration. I know she isn’t mine—yet, and I knew she wasn’t last night, but after having my cock inside of her, an innate part of me had claimed her for its own.
A knock on my door pulled me from my thoughts, and I looked up to see Derek poking his head through the door.
“Hey, you good?” He asked.
“Yeah, why?”
“You just seem a little frustrated this morning. I know the news we got was bad, but this is how it's been with this case for the past few months. That’s why they brought you in for this.” He pushed the door open more and entered the room.
I exhaled a deep breath. “I don’t particularly enjoy losing, that’s all. Last night, seeing how close we were to them and they still got away, pissed me off.”
“I hear that; no one does. Feel like talking about it over lunch? A couple of the guys and I are going to the country bar down the street. You’re welcome to join us.” He offered.
Normally, I would join the guys for lunch, but I had other things I needed to deal with today.
“No thanks, I’m good. I think I’ll just take a walk and see what’s out there.”
“Alright, if you change your mind, you know where to find us.” He opened the door to leave and shut it behind him.
I ran a hand over my face and turned my head to look out the window at the city, my thoughts returning back to where they were before Derek interrupted.
There was music playing and pots and pans clattering behind me. I rolled over with a groan and rubbed my eyes. What the hell was going on?
Stretching out my arms and rolling my ankles, I noticed that I was in a living room—on someone’s couch. Looking down at the blanket covering me, I realized I knew where I was. I was in Madison’s townhouse, completely forgetting that last night, we decided it was easier to just stay with her instead of dropping Alexis and me at our apartments.
I always liked staying with Madison. She really knew how to make a home feel inviting, and she had one of the comfiest couches I have ever slept on. It was long enough for me to stretch out and not touch the armrest with my feet, but it was also wide enough for me to roll around and not fall off. It was almost like sleeping in a twin bed. The cushions were so soft and fluffy that you just sunk into them.
I sat up from my spot, smelling bacon. The sizzling sound soothed my senses and caused my mouth to begin watering.
“Well, good morning sunshine, how’d you sleep?” Madison’s amused voice carried from the kitchen to the living room.
“Like the dead.” I yawned and stretched once more before tossing the blanket off of my legs and standing up from the couch.
“That’s… morbid, after last night. Eggs?” She snapped her tongs at me and then flipped the bacon in the pan.
“Yes, please. Sunny side up.” I chuckled as I approached the kitchen island and sat on one of the bar stools.
“Mmm… Do I smell bacon?” A sleepy voice came from down the hallway as Alexis entered the kitchen, coming from the second bedroom.