Page 10 of Unbearable Player
Whatever it was, Brianne couldn’t wait to find out. As she stepped onto the bustling New York street, a grin spread across her face. For the first time in a long while, she felt the thrill of possibility - both for her game and for herself.
“Well, Brianne,” she murmured, “looks like you’re in for one interesting evening. Let the games begin.”
Reid stood at the floor-to-ceiling windows of his office, gazing out at the glittering Manhattan skyline. The city hummed with life, but his mind buzzed with thoughts of Brianne Ellis. Their meeting at the café had left him... unsettled. In the best possible way.
He turned from the window, running a hand through his dark hair. The sleek, modern office of Parker Security Solutions surrounded him, a testament to his success. Yet for the first time in years, work seemed... secondary.
A knock at the door interrupted his reverie. “Come in,” Reid called, composing his features into their usual mask of calm authority.
Jake Morgan sauntered in, a grin playing on his lips. “So,” he drawled, dropping into a chair across from Reid’s desk, “how’d it go with the game designer? Did she hack your firewall?”
Reid rolled his eyes, settling into his leather chair. “It was a business meeting, Jake. Nothing more.”
“Uh-huh.” Jake’s hazel eyes danced with amusement. “And that’s why you’ve been staring out the window like a lovesick teenager for the past ten minutes?”
“I was not-” Reid began, then caught himself. He sighed. “The meeting went well. Brianne’s project is... intriguing.”
“Brianne, huh?” Jake leaned forward, his grin widening. “First name basis already? Must be serious.”
Reid felt a flicker of irritation. “It’s a professional courtesy. Her game, Shadow Realms, has potential. The security aspects are particularly challenging.”
“Right, right. The security aspects.” Jake nodded sagely. “Nothing to do with the cute blonde in the photo, I’m sure.”
Reid’s jaw clenched. He’d known Jake since childhood, and while he valued their friendship, sometimes his teasing hit too close to home. “She’s a potential client, Jake. That’s all.”
“If you say so, boss.” Jake held up his hands in mock surrender. “But I haven’t seen you this worked up over a ‘potential client’ since... well, ever.”
Reid leaned back in his chair, forcing his muscles to relax. “It’s... different,” he admitted reluctantly. “There’s something about her. A spark.”
Jake’s eyebrows shot up. “A spark? From you? Mr. I’ll-wait-for-my-fated-mate? Now I’m really intrigued.”
Reid growled softly, a bear-like rumble in his chest. “Don’t start, Jake. I’m not saying she’s my mate. I’m just... interested in getting to know her better.”
“Uh-huh.” Jake’s tone was skeptical. “And that has nothing to do with the fact that she’s smart, funny, and probably the first woman who’s challenged you in years?”
Reid opened his mouth to retort, then closed it. Jake had a point, not that he’d admit it. “We’re having dinner tonight,” he said instead, “to discuss the project further.”
Jake’s grin threatened to split his face. “A dinner date? Oh, this is rich. The mighty Reid Parker felled by a game designer.”
“It’s not a date,” Reid insisted, but even to his own ears, the protest sounded weak. “It’s a business dinner.”
“Sure, sure.” Jake stood, clapping Reid on the shoulder. “Just remember, boss. Sometimes the best security system is the one that lets the right person in.”
With that cryptic remark, Jake sauntered out, leaving Reid to his thoughts. He shook his head, a small smile tugging at his lips despite himself. Jake might be a pain, but he had a knack for cutting through Reid’s defenses.
Reid glanced at his watch. Time to get ready for dinner. For the first time in years, he felt a flutter of nervousness in his stomach. What was it about Brianne Ellis that got under his skin?
He was determined to find out.
Hours later, Reid found himself seated across from Brianne in an upscale Italian restaurant. The soft glow of candles flickered between them, casting a warm light on Brianne’s face. She looked stunning in a deep blue dress that brought out the color of her eyes.
“So,” Brianne said, her lips quirking into a smile, “do you always take your clients to fancy restaurants, or am I just special?”
Reid felt the corner of his mouth twitch upward. “Only the ones with intriguing video game projects and meddling mothers.”
Brianne laughed, the sound sending a pleasant shiver down Reid’s spine. “Oh god, don’t get me started on meddling mothers. Mine’s been on a matchmaking rampage lately. I swear, if she sets me up with one more ‘nice boy from church,’ I might actually snap.”