Page 40 of Unbearable Player
Brianne’s expression softened, and she reached up to cup his cheek. “Reid, I appreciate your concern, I really do. But this is my fight too. I’m not sitting on the sidelines while you risk your life for my work.”
Reid leaned into her touch, closing his eyes briefly. “I know. I just... the thought of you in danger...” He trailed off, unable to fully articulate the fear that gripped his heart.
“Hey,” Brianne said, her voice gentle but firm. “Look at me.” Reid opened his eyes, meeting her steady gaze. “We’re in this together, remember? Partners. In games and in life.”
A smile tugged at Reid’s lips despite his worry. “Partners,” he agreed, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her lips.
The moment was interrupted by Jake’s voice. “Uh, guys? Not trying to cramp your style, but we’ve got a heist to plan here.”
Reid pulled back, clearing his throat as Brianne giggled. “Right,” he said, his CEO persona sliding back into place. “Let’s get back to work.”
As the evening wore on, the plan solidified. They would infiltrate the warehouse under cover of darkness, using a combination of high-tech gadgets and good old-fashioned stealth. Reid’s team would handle the external security while he and Brianne made their way to the prototype.
“Remember,” Reid instructed as they geared up, “our primary objective is to recover the prototype. Engage only if necessary, and avoid lethal force if possible. We want these guys behind bars, not in body bags.”
The team nodded in understanding, their faces serious as they checked their equipment one last time. Reid watched them with a mix of pride and concern. These people were more than just employees - they were his friends, his sleuth. And he was leading them into danger.
As the others filed out to take their positions, Reid pulled Brianne aside one last time. He cupped her face in his hands, drinking in every detail of her features. “Brianne,” he said softly, his voice rough with emotion. “I need you to promise me something.”
Brianne nodded, her hands coming up to rest on his wrists. “Anything.”
“If it comes down to a choice between you and the prototype... choose you. Please.” Reid’s eyes burned with intensity, his fear for her safety evident in every line of his face.
Brianne’s expression softened, and she leaned up to press a gentle kiss to his lips. “I promise,” she whispered against his mouth. “But only if you make me the same promise. I’d rather lose a game than lose you.”
Reid’s heart swelled with love for this incredible woman. He pulled her close, crushing her to his chest in a fierce embrace. “I promise,” he murmured into her hair. “We’re getting out of this together, prototype or no prototype.”
With one final kiss, they separated, both taking a moment to compose themselves. Reid watched as Brianne’s face set in determination, her game face sliding into place. He took a deep breath, centering himself and allowing his bear instincts to sharpen his senses.
“Ready?” he asked, holding out his hand to her.
Brianne took it, intertwining their fingers. “Ready. Let’s go get my game back.”
They moved silently through the night, the warehouse looming before them like a sleeping giant. Reid’s team had already taken their positions, their presence marked only by occasional clicks and whispers over the comm system in Reid’s ear.
As they approached the building, Reid’s enhanced senses kicked into overdrive. He could hear the steady heartbeats of the men inside and smell the faint odor of stale coffee and cigarette smoke. Beside him, Brianne moved with surprising stealth, her steps sure and silent.
They reached the side entrance Logan had identified as their best point of entry. Reid nodded to Brianne, who pulled out a small device and attached it to the electronic lock. Her fingers flew over the keypad, and within moments, the door clicked open.
“I’m in their system,” Brianne whispered, a hint of triumph in her voice. “Camera loop is active. We’ve got about ten minutes before anyone notices.”
Reid squeezed her hand in silent praise before leading the way into the building. The interior was dimly lit, rows of servers and gaming equipment casting eerie shadows across the floor. They moved swiftly but cautiously, Reid’s bear senses on high alert for any sign of danger.
They encountered their first obstacle at the entrance to the main storage area. A sophisticated laser grid blocked their path, the beams crisscrossing in a complex pattern.
“I’ve got this,” Brianne murmured, pulling out another device from her pack. She aimed it at the control panel, and after a tense moment, the lasers flickered and died.
Reid couldn’t help but grin. “Remind me never to challenge you to a game of Spy vs. Spy,” he quipped.
Brianne winked at him. “Wise decision.”
They pressed on, navigating through a maze of crates and equipment. Reid’s nose twitched as he caught a familiar scent - the faint smell of his mate from the USB Brianne had in her purse. “We’re close,” he whispered.
As they rounded a corner, they finally saw it - a reinforced glass case containing Brianne’s hard work. But before they could take a step toward it, a voice rang out, freezing them in their tracks.
“Well, well, well. What have we here?”
Reid whirled around, pushing Brianne behind him protectively. A group of men emerged from the shadows, led by a tall, lean figure with a cruel smile. The leader of The Glitchers, Reid realized with a sinking feeling.