Page 110 of Sinful Oath
“I’m taking her out of the city.” I get to my feet. “Pack her a bag, Dimitri. We’ll leave in an hour.”
“That’s ridiculous, Alexei. Bianca is safe here.”
I shake my head and shoot him a glare.
I hate the way he’s lounging back in the armchair, the picture of ease, as if he didn’t just get a call confirming that Gilanto’s planning on making a move on my wife.
“Clearly, she isn’t. If her friend can get in, and Bianca can get out, any fucker can get in. You, Mikhail and Danil can stay at the penthouse. I want everyone to stay away from this house until the security has been overhauled.”
“I’m not taking any more chances when it comes to my family, Dimitri. Please, I’m begging you. Just do this one thing for me.”
“Fine, I’ll make sure Mikhail and Danil stay in the city. Where exactly are you planning on going?”
“Somewhere Gilanto won’t think to look.”
Alexei comes charging down the stairs, freshly showered and changed with a bag in each hand, followed by a grave-looking Dimitri.
I look between them. “Alexei?”
He refuses to speak as he drags me into the garage and loads the bags into the trunk of his Mercedes.
His eyes go to his brother. “You know what to do. Don’t let me down again, Dimitri. I need to be able to trust my own family.”
My blood boils as neither one of them acknowledges my presence.
He buckles me in, as he always do, but doesn’t touch me again. My heart breaks that much more.
As soon as he enters the car, he starts it, and we drive off.
“Where are you taking me?”
He keeps silent and just drives.
Soon, we’re flying down the freeway. We’ve been driving for almost an hour without a word spoken between us.
How did it all go so wrong so quickly?
“Alexei, where are we going?”
“A cabin near Greenwood Lake.”
“A cabin?”
Silence. And not the easy kind I used to find with him when I would paint, and he would sit by my side. This silence feels heavy, and with each second that passes it’s like another brick added to the wall around Alexei’s heart.
He was starting to let me in. We were starting to become something more, something special.
And I had to go and ruin it all.