Page 128 of Sinful Oath
Someone crashed into them, but whoever the fucker was seems to be long gone.
My car barely stops moving before I’m climbing out of it and running over to the wreckage, broken glass crunching beneath my feet.
I peer into the front window and see what’s left of the driver—my stomach churning at the smell of the burned flesh.
“Bianca!” I move to look into the backseat, but it’s empty. “Fuck!”
I walk around the back of the wreckage and notice spots of blood leading away from the car and a set of tire marks a few meters away.
My legs threaten to give out as I realize what this means.
I’m pulling my phone out of my pocket and dialing Dimitri as I stare down at the spots of blood. Bianca’s blood.
“What’s up, brat?”
“Bianca’s missing.” The words almost have me doubling over and hurling my guts up.
“I tracked her phone, but there was an accident.” I have to screw my eyes shut and take a steadying breath as I try to think rationally about what to do.
“An accident? What the hell happ—Fuck!”
“Dimitri?” My heart hammers in my chest.
“I just got a message from Zara.”
“What does it say? Is she with Bianca?”
“It just says ‘help’.”
I need to think, but my heart is pounding so hard in my chest I can’t take a full breath. Each second that passes is precious time that I can’t afford to waste.
“Alexei, what should we do?”
I screw my eyes shut, trying to ignore the panic that’s building inside me. I need to keep a clear head if I have any chance of getting to Bianca in time.
“Get Luc on the phone. Get him to hack into Zara’s phone and have him send me her location.” It’s the only thing I can think of that might actually help.
“Already on it. Do you think they’re together?”
“I fucking hope so.”
“Alexei, she’ll be alright.”
“You don’t know that.” I turn around to face the burned-out wreckage that she came so close to being caught in. “You should see the state of the car she was in.”
“Someone ran it off the road?”
“Looks like it. Fuck, if I’m too late…”