Page 137 of Sinful Oath
I’m running out of time.
I creep along the damp corridor, my gun aimed and ready.
A few lights flicker overhead, and my footsteps echo around me.
“Gilanto! Why don’t you grow some fucking balls and show your face!”
“I wondered when you were going to show up.”
I whirl around.
Mario Gilanto steps out of the shadows, dragging Bianca in front of him, his left arm around her neck.
“It’s simple, Alexei,” he purrs as he pulls a gun from behind his back, holding it to Bianca’s temple. “Put the gun down, or Bianca dies.”
My eyes flick to Bianca’s, and the air is stolen from my lungs at the terror in her eyes. Beads of sweat cover her forehead and her right arm is half hanging out of her sweater.
She’s tied the sleeve around her forearm, the cream material stained red with her blood.
My solnyshka is hurt.
I have no choice but to do as he says. I won’t risk her life.
Holding up both of my hands, I slowly bend down to place my gun at my feet.
“All of them.” Gilanto smirks.
I look up.
The sight of his hands on Bianca makes me want to put a bullet straight between his eyes.
But I can’t afford to make any mistakes, not when Bianca’s life is on the line.
I reach into my jacket pocket and unholster my spare gun and toss it on the floor.
If it comes down to it, I’ll kill the bastard with my bare hands. I’ll probably get more satisfaction seeing the life drain from his eyes as I wrap my hands around his neck.
“I’m glad you came, Alexei. It wouldn’t be nearly as fun to kill Bianca without an audience.”
My lips pull back from my teeth as I glare at him.
“Let her go, Gilanto. We can settle this, just the two of us.”
“I don’t think so. Not now that I know you actually care for her. I’m very much looking forward to killing your wife and unborn child in front of your eyes, Koslov. Perhaps then you’ll learn how it feels to lose something dear to you.”
My nostrils flare at the mention of the baby.
“I am intrigued to learn how you found her so fast.” Mario tilts his head to the side. “Enlighten me.”
“Zara’s phone. I tracked it here.”
Mario snorts.
“Useless piece of shit she was. I should’ve tossed her in that burning wreck.”
Did he kill Zara?