Page 139 of Sinful Oath
“Zhizn’ moya.”
I miss Alexei so much I can almost hear him calling me that strange endearment. What does it mean? I still don’t know.
Will I ever learn? Will I ever see him again? Ever feel his skin beneath my fingertips or his lips on mine.
The man I was forced to marry is now the man I love.
That thought should scared me before, but not now.
I’m dying in this hole, so I’m allowing myself to fully love him.
Alexei Koslov is my everything.
Lips press to my forehead, and I let out a contented sigh imagining it’s Alexei as my eyelids flutter open.
Wow, I must be dead already…
Alexei is leaning over me, his brow furrowed as he searches my face.
“Welcome back.” He smiles.
Beeping sounds fill my ears, and I have to blink a few times for my eyes to focus under the harsh fluorescent lights.
I look around.
This is a hospital room.
I look down at my arm and wince at the sight of the bandages on my left forearm and the dark purple bruising around my wrist from the metal cuff.
My joints feel stiff, and my head feels cloudy, but I’m alive.
I’m alive?
My eyes fly to Alexei.
I survived. And he is here with me.
But wait…
“The…baby.” My hands move to my abdomen.
“The baby is fine.” Alexei places a warm hand on top of mine. “You’re both going to be fine.”
“W-what about Zara?”
Alexei hesitates, his brown eyes filled with sorrow as he looks at me, but he’s not given the chance to explain as the door to my room opens and in walks a young woman wearing pink scrubs.
She offers me a warm smile as she approaches the end of the bed.
“It’s good to see you awake, Bianca. I’m Dr. Keller, the OBGYN on call. I just want to do a quick ultrasound.”
I nod, eager to see for myself that my baby is okay.
As Dr. Keller sets up the monitor beside the bed, I turn to face Alexei.