Page 147 of Sinful Oath
“Fatherhood looks good on you, brat.” Dimitri claps Alexei on the shoulder. “You’re going to be a great dad.”
“Thanks, Dimitri.”
“But what about you, Dimitri? Do you see yourself with kids one day? This little guy will need some cousins to play with.”
Dimitri throws his head back and laughs.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Right now, I’ll settle for being the cool uncle.”
“You could always be the cool godfather…” I fight a smile as I catch Alexei’s eye.
“Seriously?” Dimitri glances between us.
Alexei nods. “It was Bianca’s idea.”
“I… I would be honored!” A huge smile spreads across his face as he reaches down to hug me. “Whoa, this means a lot.”
Tears start to prick at my eyes as Dimitri gives Alexei a hug.
Danil laughs as he approaches our little group. “Uh oh, Bianca’s crying already.”
“These are happy tears.” I wipe at my eyes.
Alexei takes me by the hand. “Why don’t we go and mingle some more.”
He leads me away from his brothers before I get even more emotional.
Once everyone’s a few glasses of champagne deep into the party, the twinkling of a spoon hitting a glass causes the room to quieten.
“Speech!” Danil and Mikhail call out.
I whirl to find Dimitri standing half way up the stairs, a glass of champagne in his hand as he grins down at us all.
I groan. “Please tell me he isn’t about to do a drunken speech at my baby shower.”
Alexei chuckles. “I guess we’re about to find out.”
“Good evening everyone!” Dimitri calls out. “I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate my brother and his wonderful wife on the impending birth of their baby boy. When I look at the both of you, it’s hard to deny that you’ve found the sort of true love we only thought was possible in fairytales.”
Blinking back tears, I glance at Alexei who’s smiling down at me with such awe that my chest might explode.
I squeeze his hand tightly before looking back at Dimitri, whose attention is no longer on us, but on Zara.
“If I ever get the chance to experience even a fraction of what you both share, I’ll consider myself a lucky man.”
I sneak a look over at Zara, but my best friend is wrinkling her nose at Dimitri’s words.
“Keep dreaming!” she calls out, and the room erupts into laughter.
Dimitri dips his chin, his shoulders shaking with silent laughter.
I shake my head. “Poor Dimitri.”
Alexei grins. “Zara will give him a run for his money, that's for sure.”
“They would make such a cute couple, though…”
“Don’t meddle.” Alexei presses a kiss to my hair.