Page 16 of Sinful Oath
I frown. “What is it?”
“Gilanto is pissed.” My brother glances around in case any prying ears are listening.
“Word got back to Feliks. He had a guy trailing Mario’s new second. He’s well aware of who betrayed the information of his family's whereabouts. Emilio better get the hell out of town while he has a chance. Otherwise, he may just find himself with a bullet lodged in his skull.”
“I’ll take care of Emilio. Make sure Feliks and the others are on alert. I don’t want this to get back to Bianca.”
“Of course.” Dimitri nods before disappearing into the crowd.
I take a deep breath and turn around, leaning against the bar as I scan the room for my new father-in-law. I thought perhaps we would have a few weeks before any threat would be made on Emilio’s life, but it turns out the Gilantos wait for no one.
I find Emilio nursing a glass of scotch at one of the tables, his eyes trained on Bianca who has gone back to dancing with her cousin who seems to be moments away from breaking down into tears.
Sliding into the vacant seat beside my father-in-law, I clasp a hand on his shoulder. “It’s time, Emilio.”
He says nothing, lifting his glass to his lips as he watches Bianca.
It kills me, for both of them, but this needs to happen. And the sooner, the better. For all our sakes. “Mario knows.”
After he drains his glass, we both get to our feet.
There’s nothing but agony in Emilio’s blue eyes as he glances once more at Bianca before looking at me.
“Take good care of my daughter.” His eyes are pleading. “Promise me on your life that you won’t let any harm come to her.”
I get my right hand over my heart. “Klyanus' svoyey chest'yu.”
He frowns at me.
“I swear on my honor. Or should I say, lo giuro sul mio onore.”
I smile a bit as I reach out my hand, and Emilio grasp it and nods, his shoulders sagging.
“She’s all I have,” he chokes out.
“I will protect her with my life.”
I whirl, almost spilling my fresh glass of champagne all over my father.
“I have to go.”
I frown as my father’s eyes start to glisten. I’m frozen for a moment, wondering if the alcohol is making me hallucinate.
Is Emilio Bellucci about to cry?
“Don’t be sad, Papino.” I sigh, reaching for his hand. “I know you didn’t have a choice, and while it might take me a while to come to terms with this…situation, I still love you.”
My father nods, taking my hand in both of his and squeezing tightly. “I’m sorry it had to be like this.”
“I appreciate that.”