Page 94 of Sinful Oath
“With all this money, you really should invest in better security.”
“Duly noted.” Dimitri’s eyes are still narrowed.
“Are you done with the twenty questions or can I hang out with my friend now?”
“Zara.” I reach for her arm. “Why don’t we go and make some tea?”
I manage to pull Zara away and drag her into the kitchen where I busy myself with making some tea.
Zara on the other hand goes straight to the fridge and starts pulling out every snack she can find.
“Please, help yourself.” Dimitri chuckles, strolling in a few moments later.
I have no doubt in my mind that he sent Alexei a message to let him know about Zara’s arrival, and I know I’ll need to come up with a good explanation for how she got here, but right now I have bigger things to focus on.
“You’re rich as fuck, so I think you can afford to let me have some food.” Zara takes a seat at the island, tucking into some crackers and hummus.
I steal one of the crackers, hoping it will help settle my stomach.
“Oh, there’s plenty of things I could feed you, pcholka.”
I almost choke on my cracker, and Zara’s jaw is on the floor as she stares at Dimitri.
Zara scoffs. “You’re unbelievable, you know that?”
“I’ve been told that once or twice.”
“Do you not have anything better to do than sit with us? Because last time I checked, I didn’t come here to hang out with you.”
“Ouch.” Dimitri puts his hand to his chest.
I look at Dimitri. “Do you mind giving us a minute?”
Zara rolls her eyes at me before popping a hummus-laden chip into her mouth.
“I’m not meant to let you out of my sight.”
“I won’t tell you if you don’t.”
Dimitri glances once more at Zara, narrowing his eyes at my friend as she sticks out her tongue.
“I think I’m starting to question your taste in friends, Bianca…” He slides off his stool. “I’ll be in the lounge.”
Neither Zara nor I speak until Dimitri’s footsteps start to fade. My hands are shaking so I wrap them around my mug of tea to try and keep them steady.
“This won’t work.” Panic is starting to set in. “There’s no way he won’t find out.”
“Shh!” Zara glances over her shoulder. “It’s all under control.”
“I have no way of paying for it.”
“I’ve got it covered.”
“Zara, no. It’ll be hundreds of dollars.” I run my hands through my hair, trying to ignore my racing thoughts.
“You need the appointment, so it’s taken care of. I made it under my name to try and cover our tracks.”
“When I tell Alexei, I-I promise…” My voice cracks, and I have to fight past the lump in my throat.