Page 21 of Reining in Never
“What’s happening? Who died?” Grady emerged from his tent, rubbing his eyes. His normally straight, slicked-back hair was standing up. Not having a horse to take care of, he’d slept in later than the rest of us. He dragged his sleeping bag out of the tent, wrapped it around himself so only his face was visible, and sat down across from us.
“Our careers,” I responded.
“Bad news from the vet?”
“Not good news.”
“Incoming,” Grady warned from his blanket cocoon, wrapping himself tighter and avoiding my eyes.
I turned my head to see Kinsley approaching the camp. I dragged my hand down my face. It was too early for this too.
Finn stood up. “Well, we better go … check the horses.” He looked down at Grady, who sat there, poking his boot out from under the blanket and nudging at the ashes from the fire. Finn rolled his eyes then tipped Grady’s chair over, sending him sprawling to the dirt.
“Hey!” Grady cried. “What was that for? I don’t have a horse!”
“You’re a cowboy. Get one.” Finn walked away.
Grady grumbled something under his breath, shoved his sleeping bag in the tent, then emerged wearing nothing but his tattered briefs. He pulled on his jeans without a care, oblivious to his state of undress.
Kinsley bit back a laugh at the shameless display while I glanced at Grady with a raised brow. Unfazed, Grady winked at Kinsley and followed Finn out of the camp.
Once they were gone, she sat down next to me. “Nice setup.” She looked around the camp.
“Not everyone has a daddy who gives them fancy trailers.”
“You know I didn’t mean it like that.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” I picked up a stick and pushed around the ashes. I tried not to look at her. Looking led to missing and wanting and bad decisions. “You really shouldn’t be here. We just decided that we should stay a—"
“I know. That’s not why I— I ran into Dr. Lawson in the barn,” she went on. “I know it’s none of my business, but I asked him— I’m sorry it wasn’t better news.”
“Are you still competing today?”
“No, I’m done. And I don’t want to talk about it.”
She nodded but continued to sit there. She was biting her cheek, clearly wanting to say something else.
I sighed. “What is it?”
She hesitated, and something flashed in her eyes. “I paid your vet bill.”
I snapped my head towards her, my eyes wide with disbelief. “You what?” The words burst out of me louder than intended.
I couldn’t wrap my mind around what she had said. She’d paid my vet bill? I searched her face, trying to understand, but my shock and confusion made it hard to focus. It was a betrayal.
“Well, what was your plan, Wyatt?”
“That’s none of your damn business, Kinsley! I’m not your charity case!” I stood up. I needed to move, to shake off the anger building up in me.
“I know that!” She rose from her chair. She could never just back off.
“No, you don’t! I don’t need your money or your family’s sponsorships. Nothing! How many times do we have to fight about this? You don’t get it!” My voice was getting louder, but I didn’t care who heard.
“What I don’t get is why you can’t accept the fact that you need help! There are people who care about you that want to help you!” Her eyes shone with tears.
“I don’t need help!” I yelled.